Cathy Brown, Governor

Cathy BrownAfter retiring from my senior nursing role at an NHS Trust, I am pleased I have the opportunity to use my time, skills and experience to support my local Trust as public governor.

I have served as staff governor during the merger period between Burton Hospitals and Derby Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and held a senior role at a large Midlands Trust working closely with chief nurse, chief people, and executive colleagues to help shape services that is inclusive and compassionate to all our communities.

UHDB cares for a diverse population with a variety of health needs which is why it is essential the right people are in these roles that can advocate for them.

As public governor, I will represent the views of the residents of East Staffordshire and my focus is to ensure our services meet our local population's needs. My goal is to ensure there is an equitable provision of healthcare available to all users of the Trust, irrespective of their location.

I will collaborate with the other governors and the Board at UHDB, to ensure the public voice is heard, and decisions around services are shaped appropriately to serve the needs of the local population, whilst supporting the aim of the Trust in delivering ‘Exceptional care together'.