Haine, Dr Louise
Dr Louise Haine
Specialty: Radiology
Location: Royal Derby Hospital
Contact information
Telephone: 01332 340131 (Main switchboard)
Email: TBC
Haldar, Dr Manabendra
Dr Manabendra Haldar
Specialty: Anaesthetics
Location: Queen's Hospital Burton
Contact information
Telephone: 01283 511511 (ext 4152 or 4138) (Secretary)
Email: julie.ashfield@nhs.net (Secretary) or jean.davies9@nhs.net (Secretary)
Hamilton, Miss Rosemarie
Miss Rosemarie Hamilton
Specialty: Obstetrics
Location: Royal Derby Hospital
Contact information
Telephone: 01332 785687 (Secretary) or 01332 785673 (Secretary)
Email: dianne.collins1@nhs.net (Secretary) or dhft.gynaesecretaries@nhs.net (Secretary)
Hamlet, Mr. Mark
Mr. Mark Hamlet
Specialty: Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery
Location: Queen's Hospital Burton
Contact information
Telephone: 01283 593207 (Secretary)
Email: tina.robertson@nhs.net (Secretary) or paula.tye@nhs.net (Secretary)
Hampson, Dr Judith
Dr Judith Hampson
Specialty: Respiratory
Location: Royal Derby Hospital
Contact information
Telephone: 01332 785712 (Secretary)
Email: dhft.RespiratorySecretaries@nhs.net (Secretary)
Hardy, Dr Katherine
Dr Katherine Hardy
Specialty: Pathology
Location: Royal Derby Hospital
Contact information
Telephone: 01332 340131 (Main switchboard)
Email: TBC
Haroun, Dr Ahmed
Dr Ahmed Haroun
Specialty: Anaesthetics
Location: Queen's Hospital Burton
Contact information
Telephone: 01283 511511 (ext 4152 or 4138) (Secretary)
Email: julie.ashfield@nhs.net (Secretary) or jean.davies9@nhs.net (Secretary)
Harris, Dr Patrick
Dr Patrick Harris
Specialty: Anaesthetics
Location: Queen's Hospital Burton
Contact information
Telephone: 01283 511511 (ext 4152 or 4138) (Secretary)
Email: julie.ashfield@nhs.net (Secretary) or jean.davies9@nhs.net (Secretary)
Hassan, Miss Sarah
Miss Sarah Hassan
Specialty: General Surgery and Coloproctology
Location: Royal Derby Hospital
Contact information
Telephone: 01332 788278 (Secretary)
Email: dhft.colorectalsecretaries@nhs.net (Secretary)
Hassouna, Mr Ashraf
Mr Ashraf Hassouna
Specialty: General Surgery
Location: Royal Derby Hospital
Contact information
Telephone: 01332 787235 (Secretary)
Email: dhft.vascularsecretaries@nhs.net (Secretary)
Hawari, Dr Rand
Dr Rand Hawari
Specialty: Pathology
Location: Royal Derby Hospital
Contact information
Telephone: 01332 340131 (Main switchboard)
Email: TBC
Hayat, Dr Haleema
Dr Haleema Hayat
Specialty: Endocrinology
Location: Queen's Hospital Burton
Contact information
Telephone: 01283 593259 (Secretary)
Email: uhdb.qhbdiabendosecs@nhs.net (Secretary)
Diabetes Specialist Nurse team
Email: bhft.diabetescentre@nhs.net
Telephone: 01283 593113
Diabetes Administration team
Email: uhdb.diabetesadmin@nhs.net
Appointment queries: 01283 593200
General admin queries: 01283 511511 ext 2072
Hayat, Dr Umar
Dr Umar Hayat
Specialty: Acute Medicine
Location: Queen's Hospital Burton
Contact information
Telephone: 01283 511511 (Main switchboard)
Telephone: 01283 511511 ext: 5479
Email: elaine.gregory12@nhs.net
Hayward, Mr. Keith
Mr. Keith Hayward
Specialty: Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery
Location: Queen's Hospital Burton
Contact information
Telephone: 01283 593245 (Secretary)
Email: stephanie.roulstone@nhs.net (Secretary)
Hearing, Dr Stephen
Dr Stephen Hearing
Specialty: Gastroenterology
Location: Royal Derby Hospital
Contact information
Telephone: 01332 787126 (Secretary)
Email: dhft.Gastrosecretaries@nhs.net (Secretary)
Henley, Mr. Michael
Mr. Mike Henley
Specialty: Urology
Location: Royal Derby Hospital
Contact information
Telephone: 01332 789176 (Secretary)
Email: dhft.urologysecretaries@nhs.net (Secretary)
Heras-Palau, Mr Carlos
Mr Carlos Heras-Palau
Specialty: Hands
Location: Royal Derby Hospital
Contact information
Telephone: 01332 783388 (Secretary)
Email: lara.chambers@nhs.net (Secretary)
Heslop, Dr Jennifer
Dr Jennifer Heslop
Specialty: Obstetrics
Location: Royal Derby Hospital
Contact information
Telephone: 01332 785673 (Secretary) or 01332 785204 (Secretary)
Email: narinder.atwal@nhs.net (Secretary) or dhft.gynaesecretaries@nhs.net (Secretary)
Ho, Dr Bobby
Ho, Dr Bobby
Specialty: Anaesthetics
Location: Royal Derby Hospital
Contact information
Telephone: 01332 785412 (Secretary)
Email: dhft.anaestheticsecretaries@nhs.net (Secretary)
Hodgson, Dr David
Dr David Hodgson
Specialty: Emergency Department
Location: Royal Derby Hospital
Contact information
Telephone: 01332 787482 or 01332 783139
Email: dhft.edsecretaries@nhs.net (Secretary)
Holbrook, Dr James
Dr James Holbrook
Specialty: Anaesthetics
Location: Queen's Hospital Burton
Contact information
Telephone: 01283 511511 (ext 4152 or 4138) (Secretary)
Email: julie.ashfield@nhs.net (Secretary) or jean.davies9@nhs.net (Secretary)
Holgate, Dr Paul
Dr Paul Holgate
Specialty: Anaesthetics
Location: Queen's Hospital Burton
Contact information
Telephone: 01283 511511 (ext 4152 or 4138) (Secretary)
Email: julie.ashfield@nhs.net (Secretary) or jean.davies9@nhs.net (Secretary)
Horton, Miss Tracy
Miss Tracy Horton
Specialty: Hands
Location: Royal Derby Hospital
Contact information
Telephone: 01332 783387 (Secretary)
Email: linda.myers3@nhs.net (Secretary)
Howard, Dr Kathryn
Dr Kathryn Howard
Specialty: Anaesthetics
Location: Royal Derby Hospital
Contact information
Telephone: 01332 785412 (Secretary)
Email: dhft.anaestheticsecretaries@nhs.net (Secretary)
Hubert, Dr Charlotte
Dr Charlotte Hubert
Specialty: Elderly Care Medicine
Location: Royal Derby Hospital
Contact information
Telephone: 01332 788848 (Secretary)
Email: dhft.dme@nhs.net (Secretary)
Hudson, Dr Robert James
Dr Robert James Hudson
Specialty: Anaesthetics
Location: Royal Derby Hospital
Contact information
Telephone: 01332 785412 (Secretary)
Email: dhft.anaestheticsecretaries@nhs.net (Secretary)
Hunter, Dr Stewart
Dr Stewart Hunter
Specialty: Paediatrics
Location: Royal Derby Hospital
Contact information
Telephone: 01332 786830 (Secretary)
Email: trish.fletcher@nhs.net (Secretary)
Hughes, Dr David
Dr David Hughes
Specialty: Diabetes, Endocrinology & Bariatric Medicine
Location: Royal Derby Hospital
Honorary Assistant Professor of Endocrinology
Orcid link: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0994-1977
Contact information
Telephone: 01332 783283 (Secretary)
Email: dhft.DiabandEndosecs@nhs.net (Secretary)
Hughes, Dr Gareth
Dr Gareth Hughes
Specialty: Emergency Department
Location: Royal Derby Hospital
Contact information
Telephone: 01332 787482 or 01332 783139
Email: dhft.edsecretaries@nhs.net (Secretary)
Hughes-Thomas, Miss
Amy Hughes-Thomas
Specialty: Paediatric and Neonatal Surgeon
Location: Royal Derby Hospital
Contact information
Telephone: 01332 786831 (Secretary)
Email: jessica.rynn1@nhs.net (Secretary)
Hui, Dr Michelle
Dr Michelle Hui
Specialty: Rheumatology
Location: Florence Nightingale Community Hospital
Contact information
Telephone: 01332 788382 (Secretary)
Email: dhft.Rheumatologysecretaries@nhs.net (Secretary)
Hurry, Dr Rupert
Dr Rupert Hurry
Specialty: Emergency Department
Location: Royal Derby Hospital
Contact information
Telephone: 01332 787482 or 01332 783139
Email: dhft.edsecretaries@nhs.net (Secretary)
Hurst, Mr Nicholas
Mr Nicholas Hurst
Specialty: General Surgery
Location: Royal Derby Hospital
Contact information
Telephone: 01332 (7)88762 (Secretary)or 01332 (7)88758 (Secretary)
Email: dhft.colorectalsecretaries@nhs.net (Secretary)
Husain, Mr. Najam
Mr. Najam Husain
Specialty: General Surgery
Location: Queen's Hospital Burton
Contact information
Queens Hospital Burton
Telephone: 01283 593242 (Secretary)
Email: Laura.thomas31@nhs.net (Secretary)
Sir Robert Peel Community Hospital
Telephone: 01283 566333 ext 8270 (Secretary)
Email: dhft.medsecssrp@nhs.net (Secretary)
Hussein, Dr Azza
Dr Azza Hussein
Specialty: Rheumatology
Location: Florence Nightingale Community Hospital
Contact information
Telephone: 01332 254841 (Secretary)
Email: dhft.Rheumatologysecretaries@nhs.net (Secretary)
Hutchinson, Dr James
Dr James Hutchinson
Specialty: Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery
Location: Royal Derby Hospital
Contact information
Telephone: 01332 (7)83048 (Secretary)
- GP enquiries: dhft.gpenquiriesorthopaedic@nhs.net
- Primary care musculoskeletal (MSK) enquiries: uhdb.mskorthopaedics@nhs.net