Mackaness, Dr Charlotte
Dr Charlotte Mackaness
Specialty: Anaesthetics
Location: Royal Derby Hospital
Contact information
Telephone: 01332 785412 (Secretary)
Email: dhft.anaestheticsecretaries@nhs.net (Secretary)
Madhok, Mr. Brijesh
Mr. Brijesh Madhok
Specialty: General Surgery
Location: Royal Derby Hospital
Contact information
Telephone: 01332 785212 (Secretary)
Email: dhft.ugisecretaries@nhs.net (Secretary)
Mahmood-Rao, Hamzah Dr
Dr Hamzah Mahmood-Rao
Specialty: Rheumatology
Location: Florence Nightingale Community Hospital
Contact information
Telephone: 01332 788382 (Secretary)
Email: dhft.Rheumatologysecretaries@nhs.net (Secretary)
Malik, Dr Moona
Dr Moona Malik
Specialty: Dermatology
Location: Florence Nightingale Community Hospital
Contact information
Telephone: 01332 554680 (Secretary)
Email: dhft.Dermatologysecs@nhs.net (Secretary)
Malik, Dr Rizwan
Dr Rizwan Malik
Specialty: Emergency / Acute Medicine
Location: Queen's Hospital Burton
Contact information
Telephone: 01283 511511 ext 3283 or 3266 (Secretary)
Email: uhdb.EDAdmin@nhs.net (Secretary)
Mann, Dr Amandeep
Dr Amandeep Mann
Specialty: Pathology
Location: Royal Derby Hospital
Contact information
Telephone: 01332 340131 (Main switchboard)
Email: TBC
Mansuri, Mr. Shaji
Mr. Shaji Mansuri
Specialty: Ear, Nose and Throat
Location: Royal Derby Hospital
Contact information
Telephone: 01332 787539 (Secretary)
Email: dhft.entsecretaries@nhs.net (Secretary)
Manuel, Dr Rusia
Dr Rusia Manuel
Specialty: Paediatrics
Location: Royal Derby Hospital
Contact information
Telephone: 01332 785376 (Secretary)
Email: dhft.paediatricsecretaries@nhs.net (Secretary)
Maraj, Dr Randy
Dr Randy Maraj
Specialty: Acute Medicine
Location: Royal Derby Hospital
Contact information
Telephone: 01332 787606 (Secretary)
Email: uhdb.MAUsecretaries@nhs.net (Secretary)
Marshall, Dr Tara
Dr Tara Marshall
Specialty: Emergency Department
Location: Royal Derby Hospital
Contact information
Telephone: 01332 787482 or 01332 783139
Email: dhft.edsecretaries@nhs.net (Secretary)
Marval, Dr Paul
Dr Paul Marval
Specialty: Anaesthetics
Location: Royal Derby Hospital
Contact information
Telephone: 01332 785412 (Secretary)
Email: dhft.anaestheticsecretaries@nhs.net (Secretary)
Marzook, Mr. Hussain
Mr. Hussain Marzook
Specialty: General Surgery
Location: Queen's Hospital Burton
Contact information
Queens Hospital Burton
Telephone: 01283 593253 (Secretary)
Email: a.bietkowski@nhs.net (Secretary)
Sir Robert Peel Community Hospital
Telephone: 01283 566333 ext 8270 (Secretary)
Email: dhft.medsecssrp@nhs.net (Secretary)
Matar, Dr Mazen
Dr Mazen Matar
Specialty: Neurology
Location: Sir Robert Peel Community Hospital
Contact information
Telephone: 01283 566333 ext 3862 (Secretary)
Email: dhft.medsecssrp@nhs.net (Secretary)
McCance, Dr Alastair
Dr Alastair McCance
Specialty: Cardiology
Location: Royal Derby Hospital
Contact information
Telephone: 01332 787447 (Secretary)
Email: dhft.CardiologySecretaries@nhs.net (Secretary)
McDermott, Dr Damien
Dr Damien McDermott
Specialty: Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery
Location: Royal Derby Hospital
Contact information
Telephone: 01332 (7)87563 (Secretary)
- GP enquiries: dhft.gpenquiriesorthopaedic@nhs.net
- Primary care musculoskeletal (MSK) enquiries: uhdb.mskorthopaedics@nhs.net
McCulloch, Dr Gillian
Dr Gillian McCulloch
Specialty: Radiology
Location: Royal Derby Hospital
Contact information
Telephone: 01332 340131 (Main switchboard)
Email: TBC
McDonald, Dr Emily
Dr Emily McDonald
Specialty: Acute Medicine
Location: Royal Derby Hospital
Contact information
Telephone: 01332 787606 (Secretary)
Email: uhdb.MAUsecretaries@nhs.net (Secretary)
McKernan, Dr Angela
Dr Angela McKernan
Specialty: Medical Oncology
Location: Royal Derby Hospital
Contact information
Telephone: 01332 787973 (Secretary)
Email: uhdb.derbyhaematologysecs@nhs.net (Secretary)
McKinnell, Dr Joanna
Dr Joanna McKinnell
Specialty: Renal Medicine
Location: Royal Derby Hospital
Contact information
Telephone: 01332 788264 (Secretary)
Email: julie.grey@nhs.net (Secretary)
Generic email: dhft.Renalsecretaries@nhs.net (Secretary)
McNaughton, Dr Harry
Dr Harry McNaughton
Specialty: Stroke
Location: Royal Derby Hospital
Contact information
Telephone: 01332 340131 (Main switchboard)
Telephone: 01332 787724 (Secretary)
Email: dhft.Strokesecretaries@nhs.net (Secretary)
Meenakshi Sundaram, Dr Ganesh
Dr Ganesh Meenakshi Sundaram
Specialty: Anaesthetics
Location: Royal Derby Hospital
Contact information
Telephone: 01332 785412 (Secretary)
Email: dhft.anaestheticsecretaries@nhs.net (Secretary)
Mehta, Mr. Madhur
Mr. Madhur Mehta
Specialty: Anaesthetics
Location: Queen's Hospital Burton
Contact information
Telephone: 01283 511511 (ext 4152 or 4138) (Secretary)
Email: julie.ashfield@nhs.net (Secretary) or jean.davies9@nhs.net (Secretary)
Mestry, Dr Nirupa
Dr Nirupa Mestry
Specialty: Acute Medicine
Location: Royal Derby Hospital
Contact information
Telephone: 01332 787606 (Secretary)
Email: uhdb.MAUsecretaries@nhs.net (Secretary)
Midgley, Dr Sarah
Dr Sarah Midgley
Specialty: Emergency Department
Location: Royal Derby Hospital
Contact information
Telephone: 01332 787482 or 01332 783139
Email: dhft.edsecretaries@nhs.net (Secretary)
Millard, Dr Christopher
Dr Christopher Millard
Specialty: Anaesthetics
Royal Derby Hospital
Contact information
Telephone: 01332 785412 (Secretary)
Email: dhft.anaestheticsecretaries@nhs.net (Secretary)
Milner, Mr. Stephen
Mr. Stephen Milner
Specialty: Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery
Location: Royal Derby Hospital
Contact information
Telephone: 01332 (7)83057 (Secretary)
- GP enquiries: dhft.gpenquiriesorthopaedic@nhs.net
- Primary care musculoskeletal (MSK) enquiries: uhdb.mskorthopaedics@nhs.net
Miraj, Dr Adilah
Dr Adilah Miraj
Specialty: Anaesthetics
Location: Queen's Hospital Burton
Contact information
Telephone: 01283 511511 (ext 4152 or 4138) (Secretary)
Email: julie.ashfield@nhs.net (Secretary) or jean.davies9@nhs.net (Secretary)
Mirza, Dr Arif
Dr Arif Murza
Specialty: Imaging
Location: Royal Derby Hospital
Contact information
Telephone: 01332 340131 (Main switchboard)
Email: TBC
Mirza, Dr Mohsin
Dr Mohsin Mirza
Specialty: Emergency / Acute Medicine
Location: Queen's Hospital Burton
Contact information
Telephone: 01283 511511 ext 3283 or 3266 (Secretary)
Email: uhdb.EDAdmin@nhs.net (Secretary)
Mistry, Dr Sunil
Dr Sunil Mistry
Specialty: Emergency / Acute Medicine
Location: Queen's Hospital Burton
Contact information
Telephone: 01283 511511 ext 3283 or 3266 (Secretary)
Email: uhdb.EDAdmin@nhs.net (Secretary)
Moazzam, Dr Muhammad
Dr Muhammad Moazzam
Specialty: Urology
Location: Queen's Hospital Burton
Contact information
Queens Hospital Burton
Telephone: 01283 984603 (Secretary)
Email: uhdb.qhburologydepartment@nhs.net (Secretary)
Sir Robert Peel Community Hospital
Telephone: 01283 566333 ext 8359 (Secretary)
Email: dhft.medsecssrp@nhs.net (Secretary)
Mohan, Dr Skandesh
Dr Skandesh Mohan
Specialty: Imaging
Location: Royal Derby Hospital
Contact information
Telephone: 01332 340131 (Main switchboard)
Email: TBC
Mookherjee, Dr Syamantak
Dr Syamantak Mookherjee
Specialty: Radiology
Location: Royal Derby Hospital
Contact information
Telephone: 01332 340131 (Main switchboard)
Email: TBC
Moldovan, Mr
Mr. Moldovan
Specialty: Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery
Location: Queen's Hospital Burton
Contact information
Queens Hospital Burton
Telephone: 01283 593309 (Secretary)
Email: lindsey.cheetham@nhs.net (Secretary)
Sir Robert Peel Community Hospital
Telephone: 01283 566333 ext 8289 (Secretary)
Email: dhft.medsecssrp@nhs.net (Secretary)
More, Mr Bharat
Mr Bharat More
Specialty: Urology (Paediatrics)
Location: Royal Derby Hospital
Contact information
Telephone: 01332 786831 (Secretary)
Email: jessica.rynn1@nhs.net (Secretary)
Telephone: 01332 788060 (Secretary)
Email: dhft.urologysecretaries@nhs.net (Secretary)
Mortimore, Mr. Sean
Mr. Sean Mortimore
Specialty: Ear, Nose and Throat
Location: Royal Derby Hospital
Contact information
Telephone: 01332 783034 (Secretary)
Email: dhft.entsecretaries@nhs.net (Secretary)
Mott, Dr Julie
Dr Julie Mott
Specialty: Paediatrics
Location: Royal Derby Hospital
Contact information
Telephone: 01332 787682 (Secretary)
Email: Natasha.brown3@nhs.net (Secretary)
Motiwale, Mr Sandeep
Mr Sandeep Motiwale
Specialty: General Surgeon (Paediatrics)
Location: Royal Derby Hospital
Contact information
Telephone: 01332 786831 (Secretary)
Email: jessica.rynn1@nhs.net (Secretary)
Mottram, Dr Victoria
Dr Victoria Mottram
Specialty: Emergency Department
Location: Royal Derby Hospital
Contact information
Telephone: 01332 787482 or 01332 783139
Email: dhft.edsecretaries@nhs.net (Secretary)
Mugunthan, Dr Thangarajah
Dr Thangarajah Mugunthan
Specialty: Oncology
Location: Royal Derby Hospital
Contact information
Telephone: 01332 787429 (Secretary)
Email: dhft.OncologyPPC@nhs.net (Secretary)
Mukherjee, Dr Bhaskar
Dr Bhaskar Mukherjee
Specialty: Stroke
Location: Queen's Hospital Burton
Contact information
Telephone: 01283 511511 (ext 2033) (Secretary)
Email: dhft.bhftstroke@nhs.net (Secretary)
Mulay, Mr. Sanjay
Mr. Sanjay Mulay
Specialty: Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery
Location: Queen's Hospital Burton
Contact information
Telephone: 01283 593240 (Secretary)
Email: lydia.piercy1@nhs.net (Secretary)
Mullaney, Dr Elizabeth
Dr Elizabeth Mullaney
Specialty: Acute Medicine
Location: Royal Derby Hospital
Contact information
Telephone: 01332 787606 (Secretary)
Email: uhdb.MAUsecretaries@nhs.net (Secretary)
Mulvey, Dr David
Dr David Mulvey
Specialty: Anaesthetics
Location: Royal Derby Hospital
Contact information
Telephone: 01332 785412 (Secretary)
Email: dhft.anaestheticsecretaries@nhs.net (Secretary)
Muogbo, Dr Dominic
Dr Dominic Muogbo
Specialty: Paediatrics
Location: Queen's Hospital Burton
Contact information
Queens Hospital Burton
Telephone: 01283 593275 (Secretary)
Email: sarah.bottrill@nhs.net (Secretary)
Sir Robert Peel Community Hospital
Telephone: 01283 566333 ext 8270 (Secretary)
Email: dhft.medsecssrp@nhs.net (Secretary)
Muras, Mr. Zbigniew
Mr. Zbigniew Muras
Specialty: General Surgery
Location: Queen's Hospital Burton
Contact information
Queens Hospital Burton
Telephone: 01283 593253 (Secretary)
Email: a.bietkowski@nhs.net (Secretary)
Sir Robert Peel Community Hospital
Telephone: 01283 566333 ext 8272 (Secretary)
Email: dhft.medsecssrp@nhs.net (Secretary)
Murray, Miss Alison
Miss Alison Murray
Specialty: Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Location: Royal Derby Hospital
Contact information
Telephone: 01332 787865 (Secretary)
Email: natalie.chell@nhs.net (Secretary) or dhft.maxfaxsecretaries@nhs.net (Secretary)