Minor Injuries Unit (MIU)

hand in a bandage

We have a Minor Injuries Unit at both Sir Robert Peel Community Hospital and Samuel Johnson Community Hospital.

The units offer a nurse-led service for those who have minor injuries or illnesses. There is no onsite doctor on the units.

Patients may be redirected to their GP, or to an emergency department, if this would be the best and most appropriate healthcare for their condition.

No formal appointment is necessary.

Samuel Johnson Minor Injuries Unit

Minor Injuries Unit

Samuel Johnson Community Hospital
Trent Valley Road
WS13 6EF

Telephone: 01283 566 333

Opening hours: 8am - 9pm

X-Ray facilities

Monday to Friday, 9am - 5pm
Saturday, 9am - 12 noon
Sunday - closed

Sir Robert Peel Minor Injuries Unit

Minor Injuries Unit

Sir Robert Peel Community Hospital
Plantation Lane
Mile Oak
B78 3NG

Telephone: 01283 566 333

Opening hours: 8am - 9pm

X-Ray facilities

Monday to Sunday: 9am - 5pm