Taylor, Dr Nicholas

Dr Nicholas Taylor

Specialty: Gastroenterology (Hepatology)

Location: Royal Derby Hospital


Contact information

Telephone: 01332 786981 (Secretary)

Email: dhft.Gastrosecretaries@nhs.net (Secretary)

Tewari, Miss Nila

Miss Nila Tewari

Specialty: General Surgery

Location: Royal Derby Hospital


Contact information

Telephone: 01332 785554 (Secretary)

Email: dhft.ugisecretaries@nhs.net (Secretary)

Thangavelu, Dr Mathangi

Dr Mathangi Thangavelu

Specialty: Maternity, Gynaecology and GUM

Location: Queen's Hospital Burton


Contact information

Telephone: 01283 511511 (ext 3243) (Secretary)

Email: uhdb.gynaesecteam@nhs.net (Secretary)

Thavakkara Kooloth Valap, Dr Sachin

Dr Sachin Thavakkara Kooloth Valap

Specialty: Anaesthetics

Location: Queen's Hospital Burton


Contact information

Telephone: 01283 511511 (ext 4152 or 4138) (Secretary)

Email: julie.ashfield@nhs.net (Secretary) or jean.davies9@nhs.net (Secretary)

Thomas, Mr. Pradeep

Mr. Pradeep Thomas

Specialty: General Surgery

Location: Queen's Hospital Burton


Contact information

Queens Hospital Burton

Telephone: 01283 593261 (Secretary)

Email: h.grindey@nhs.net (Secretary)

Sir Robert Peel Community Hospital 

Telephone: 01283 566333 ext 8263 (Secretary)

Email: dhft.medsecssrp@nhs.net (Secretary)

Thompson, Mr. Adrian

Mr. Adrian Thompson

Specialty: Ear, Nose and Throat

Location: Queen's Hospital Burton


Contact information

Queens Hospital Burton

Telephone: 01283 511511 (ext 4543) (Secretary)

Email: donnagarner@nhs.net (Secretary)

Sir Robert Peel Community Hospital 

Telephone: 01283 566333 ext 8263 (Secretary)

Email: dhft.medsecssrp@nhs.net (Secretary)

Thungala, Dr Venkata Ramana

Dr Venkata Ramana Thungala

Specialty: Emergency / Acute Medicine

Location: Queen's Hospital Burton

Contact information

Telephone: 01283 511511 ext 3283 or 3266 (Secretary)

Email: uhdb.EDAdmin@nhs.net (Secretary)

Thurley, Dr Peter

Dr Peter Thurley

Specialty: Radiology

Location: Royal Derby Hospital


Contact information

Telephone: 01332 340131 (Main switchboard)

Email: TBC

Tildsley, Dr James

Dr James Tildsley

Specialty: Ophthalmology

Location: Royal Derby Hospital


Contact information

Telephone: 01332 787515 (Secretary)

Email: rebecca.osborne2@nhs.net (Secretary)

Tinklin, Dr Tracy

Dr Tracy Tinklin

Specialty: Paediatrics

Location: Royal Derby Hospital


Contact information

Telephone: 01332 786824 (Secretary)

Email: helen.myers13@nhs.net (Secretary)

Tinwala, Dr Sana

Dr Sana Tinwal

Specialty: Ophthalmology

Location: Queen's Hospital Burton


Contact information

Telephone: 01283 511511 (ext 6366 or 6362) (Secretary)

Email: a.buesden@nhs.net (Secretary) or f.smallwood@nhs.net (Secretary)

Tou, Mr Samson

Mr Samson Tou Dr S Tou

Specialty: General Surgery

Location: Royal Derby Hospital


Contact information

Telephone: 01332 (7)86469 (Secretary) or 01332 (7)85590 (Secretary)

Email: dhft.colorectalsecretaries@nhs.net (Secretary)

Traves, Dr Donna

Dr Donna Traves

Specialty: Paediatrics

Location: Royal Derby Hospital


Contact information

Telephone: 01332 786441 (Secretary)

Email: Francesca.oreilly@nhs.net (Secretary)

Tucker, Dr Emily

Dr Emily Tucker

Specialty: Gastroenterology

Location: Royal Derby Hospital

Contact information

Telephone: 01332 340131 (Main switchboard)

Telephone: dhft.Gastrosecretaries@nhs.net

Email: dhft.Gastrosecretaries@nhs.net