In memory of Debbie Furness | Latest news

In memory of Debbie Furness

Debbie Furness

We are very sorry to announce the sad passing of Debbie Furness, one of our Patient Experience Managers, due to a short illness. Debbie had worked at the Trust for nearly 30 years and was known by many people from the variety of roles she held during her career.

Debbie’s friends and colleagues across the Trust will remember her for her caring personality, describing her as someone who cared for all around her and would help anyone no matter what. Her role also meant that she supported many families across Derbyshire, and showed them the same care and compassion.

Debbie championed the way we run our services and celebrated so much that is good about how we care for people and what we do. Her colleagues say she would have wanted to be remembered with a smile. Our heartfelt condolences go to Debbie’s family, friends and colleagues at this time.

On Tuesday 28 July 2020 at 11am a minute’s silence will be held across our hospitals for those who wish to remember Debbie, including a gathering outside the Royal Derby Hospital main entrance for colleagues who wish to meet in person.

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