1. Home

    1. Learning Disability and Neurodiversity
    2. Amputee Rehabilitation Centre (ARC) and lower limb prosthetics
    3. Acute Pain at Royal Derby Hospital
    4. Musculoskeletal Therapy
      1. Group Rehabilitation
        1. Occupational and Vocational Rehabilitation
        2. How to refer to Group Rehabilitation
        3. Physiotherapy in Group Rehabilitation
        4. Escape Pain Programme
      2. Spinal pain
        1. Back Skills Group
        2. Neck pain
        3. Lower back pain
      3. Lower Limb Therapy
        1. Ankle protocols
        2. Hip Rehabilitation Programme
        3. Hip protocols
        4. Lower Limb Therapy conditions
          1. Plantar heel pain
          2. Calf strain
          3. Osteoarthritis (OA) of the hip and knee
          4. Lateral hip pain
          5. Achilles tendon pain
          6. Ankle sprain
          7. Ankle fracture
        5. Knee protocols
        6. Knee Rehabilitation Programme
          1. Early stage knee rehabilitation
          2. Intermediate stage knee rehabilitation
          3. Late stage knee rehabilitation
      4. Upper Limb Therapy
        1. Golfer's elbow
        2. Shoulder fracture (proximal humerus)
        3. Tennis elbow
        4. Frozen shoulder
        5. British Elbow and Shoulder Society
        6. Derby Shoulder Unit
        7. Rotator cuff related shoulder pain
      5. Hydrotherapy
      6. Facial palsy
      7. Returning to work with persisting coronavirus (Covid-19) symptoms
      8. Musculoskeletal Health Questionnaire (MSK-HQ)
    5. Audiology
      1. Audiology at Royal Derby Hospital and Florence Nightingale Community Hospital
      2. Audiology at Queen's Hospital Burton
    6. Cardiology (heart)
      1. Cardiology (heart) at Queen's Hospital Burton
      2. Cardiology (heart) at Royal Derby Hospital
      3. Abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) screening
    7. Clinical genetics
    8. Pain Management department
    9. Derby & Burton Hospitals Charity
    10. Diabetes and Endocrinology
      1. Derbyshire Diabetic Eye Screening Programme
        1. How do I book a diabetic eye screening test?
        2. Derbyshire eye screening clinic locations
        3. What happens at a diabetic eye screening?
        4. Getting your diabetic eye screening results
        5. Diabetic eye screening patient resources
        6. Contact the Diabetic Eye Screening team
    11. Dermatology
    12. Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT)
    13. Endoscopy
      1. Endoscopy at Royal Derby Hospital
      2. Suspicion of Upper Gastrointestinal Cancer
      3. Endoscopy at Queen's Hospital Burton
      4. Endoscopy at Sir Robert Peel Community Hospital
    14. Gastroenterology and Hepatology
    15. General Surgery
      1. Elective Hub
      2. Urology
      3. Upper Gastro-Intestinal (GI) surgery
      4. Breast Care Units
        1. Breast screening
        2. Breast assessment
        3. Symptoms of breast cancer
        4. Breast cancer diagnosis
      5. Pancreaticobiliary Surgery
      6. Bariatric surgery (weight loss)
      7. Vascular surgery
      8. Colorectal surgery (bowel)
    16. Home Haemodialysis (home dialysis)
    17. Gynaecology
      1. Gynaecology Oncology
        1. How are you feeling today?
        2. Virtual tours of departments
        3. One Voice group
        4. Diagnostic procedures and treatments
        5. Gynaecology Oncology news and patient stories
        6. Scans and Investigations
        7. Cancer support
      2. Fertility Unit
      3. Gynaecology Assessment Unit (GAU)
      4. Urogynaecology
    18. Imaging
      1. Children's xray
      2. Computerised Tomography (CT) scan
      3. DXA Scans
      4. Interventional / Cardiac Radiography
      5. East Midlands Imaging Network (EMRAD)
      6. Fluoroscopy
      7. Nuclear medicine
      8. Plain x-ray
      9. MRI
      10. Ultrasound
    19. Maxillofacial Surgery
    20. Medical Assessment Unit
    21. Medicine for the Elderly
      1. Medicine for the Elderly - Derby
      2. Medicine for the Elderly - Burton
    22. Minor Injuries Unit (MIU)
    23. Lymphoedema
    24. Neurology
    25. NHS 111 Online
    26. Nutrition and Dietetics
    27. Ophthalmology (eyes)
    28. Organ Donation
    29. Orthoptics
    30. Orthodontics
      1. Orthodontics at Queen's Hospital Burton
      2. Orthodontics at Royal Derby Hospital
    31. Palliative care
      1. Information leaflets for palliative care
    32. Palliative Care New
    33. Patient Email Service - Terms and Conditions
    34. Parkinson's Disease
    35. Pharmacy
      1. Pride pharmacy
        1. Pride Pharmacy news
    36. Physiotherapy
      1. Specialist medicine physiotherapy team
    37. Phlebotomy (blood tests)
      1. Phlebotomy (blood test) clinics and opening times
    38. Renal services
      1. Renal research
        1. Renal Risk in Derby (RRID) Study
          1. About the Renal Risk in Derby (RRID) Study
          2. Information for participants of the RRID study
            1. Use of your data in the RRID study
          3. RRID study bibliography
          4. RRID study glossary
          5. Contact RRID study
          6. RRID study funding
    39. Respiratory services
      1. Asthma service
      2. ImpACT+
        1. Virtual MDTs
        2. ImpACT+ specialist clinics
        3. Pulmonary rehabilitation
          1. Virtual pulmonary rehabilitation
        4. Fatigue and Breathlessness Groups (FAB)
        5. Home Oxygen Service - Assessment and Review (HOS-AR)
        6. Guidance on managing your respiratory condition at home
        7. Information on your lung condition
        8. ImpACT+ referrals
      3. Lung Nurse Specialists
      4. Obstructive Sleep Apnoea and CPAP Treatment
      5. Southern Derbyshire Tubercolosis Service
    40. Sexual health services
    41. Specialist Rehabilitation
      1. Comprehensive Assessment Service for Older People (CASOP)
      2. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS/ME)
      3. Derby DrivAbility
        1. Derby DrivAbility - Driving assessments
        2. Derby DrivAbility - Access assessments
      4. Electronic Assistive Technology (EAT)
      5. Fatigue Education Course
      6. Gait and Movement Laboratory
        1. Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES)
        2. Gait Team
      7. Head Injury
      8. Kings Lodge Neurological Rehabilitation Unit
    42. Speech and language therapy
      1. Speech and language therapy at Florence Nightingale Community Hospital
      2. Speech and language therapy at Royal Derby Hospital
      3. Speech and language therapy at Queen's Hospital Burton
    43. Chaplaincy
    44. Splints
    45. Stroke services
    46. Appointments
    47. Ward information
    48. Orthotics
    49. Rheumatology
  2. Patients and visitors

    1. Information for patients
      1. Coronavirus (Covid-19) recovery and advice for high risk and vulnerable patients
        1. Supporting your recovery from coronavirus (Covid-19)
        2. Coronavirus (Covid-19) vaccines
        3. Coronavirus (Covid-19) - Patient information leaflets
      2. Your appointment
      3. Staying in hospital
      4. Online Patient Portal - Patients Know Best
      5. Waiting times
      6. Video consultations
      7. Leaving hospital (discharge)
        1. Discharge Assessment Unit (DAU)
      8. Accessibility and access to services
      9. Patient Initiated Follow Up (PIFU)
      10. My Planned Care
      11. Derby Private Health
      12. Overseas patients
    2. Visiting our hospitals
      1. Information for visitors
      2. Getting to our hospitals
      3. Contact a ward
      4. Where to get urgent treatment for minor injuries and illnesses?
      5. New staff uniforms
      6. 'Virtual visiting' service
      7. Contact us
    3. Information leaflets
      1. Adult leaflets
      2. Children's leaflets
      3. Join our Readers' Panel
    4. Advice and support
      1. Tell us about care you received
      2. Complaints
        1. How to make a complaint
        2. How we investigate your complaint
      3. Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)
      4. Bereavement services
        1. Bereavement services at Queen's Hospital Burton
        2. Bereavement services at Royal Derby Hospital
        3. Bereavement services patient information leaflets
      5. Get involved
      6. Macmillan Cancer Information Centre
      7. Smoking in our hospitals and support to quit
      8. Support for alcohol related harm
      9. Derbyshire Home from Hospital service
      10. Transparent face masks
      11. Patient Support Groups
        1. Sepsis Patient Support Group
      12. Veterans
  3. Our services

    1. All services and wards
      1. A-Z of all services
      2. A-Z of all wards
        1. Royal Derby Hospital Wards
        2. Queen's Hospital Burton Wards
        3. Florence Nightingale Community Hospital Wards
        4. Sir Robert Peel Community Hospital Wards
        5. Samuel Johnson Community Hospital Wards
      3. Consultant Directory
    2. Children's Services
      1. All children's services
        1. Children's Outpatients
          1. Children’s Allergy
          2. Children's Audiology
            1. Children's hearing assessments
            2. Rehabilitation in children's audiology
            3. Transition from child to adult audiology services
            4. Children's Hearing Services Working Groups (CHSWG)
            5. Additional information for children's audiology
            6. Contact the children's audiology service
          3. Children's Clinical Psychology
            1. Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
          4. Children's Diabetes
          5. Children's Dietetics
          6. Children's Endocrinology (hormonal)
          7. Children's Epilepsy
          8. Children's Physiotherapy
            1. Children's Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy
            2. Children's Neurodevelopmental Physiotherapy
            3. Children's Rheumatology Physiotherapy
          9. Children's Occupational Therapy
          10. Children's Orthoptics
          11. Children's Respiratory
          12. Children's X-ray
        2. Children's Emergency Department
        3. Children's Community Nursing, aka Kids In Their Environment (KITE) team
          1. Children’s Continuing Care Team
        4. Ronnie Mackeith Child Development Centre
      2. Contact a children's ward
      3. Transition from children to adult services
    3. Cancer
      1. Bowel cancer screening
      2. Cancer Specialist Outpatients
      3. Combined Triage Assessment Unit (CTAU)
      4. Combined Daycase Unit (CDU)
      5. Familial cancer
      6. Gynaecology Oncology
      7. Haematology (blood disorders)
      8. Palliative care
      9. Psycho-oncology
        1. Audio resources for mindfulness
      10. Radiotherapy (and Brachytherapy)
      11. Radical prostatectomy operation
      12. Cancer services news stories
    4. Emergency Departments
      1. About our emergency departments
      2. Blood borne virus (BBV) screening
      3. In an emergency
      4. Emergency department at Royal Derby Hospital
      5. Emergency department at Queen's Hospital Burton
      6. Childrens emergency department at Royal Derby Hospital
      7. Patient Information Leaflets - Emergency
        1. Head and neck
        2. Arm and hand
        3. Leg and foot
        4. Body
        5. Wound care
        6. A&E departments
        7. Adults - all
        8. Children - all
      8. Use NHS 111 for help online or on the phone
    5. Maternity
      1. Urgent maternity care
      2. Maternity Services post coronavirus pandemic
        1. Maternity services FAQs post coronavirus pandemic
        2. Maternity resources to support Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) and non-English speaking women
      3. Your pregnancy journey
        1. What routine care will I receive when I am pregnant?
        2. Why are my baby's movements important?
        3. You and your baby's health during pregnancy
        4. Ultrasound scans
        5. Developing a relationship with your baby
        6. Online antenatal education
      4. Choosing your place of birth and labour
        1. Birth centres
        2. Caesarean birth
        3. Choosing a hospital or home birth
        4. Labour wards
        5. Maternity service video tours
      5. After baby is born
        1. Maternity wards
        2. Neonatal Care Units
        3. Caring for your baby at home
        4. Meeting your baby for the first time
        5. Deciding how to feed your baby
        6. Using contraception after childbirth
        7. Safer sleeping for baby and parents
        8. Maternity and Neonatal Voices - Share your feedback
      6. Maternity patient information leaflets
      7. Badger Notes
      8. Latest Maternity news
    6. Trauma and Orthopaedics
      1. Foot and ankle
      2. Fracture clinic
      3. Hand and wrist
        1. Pulvertaft Hand Centre
      4. Hip and knee
      5. Shoulder and elbow
      6. Spine
    7. Training and Education
  4. Find our hospitals

    1. Getting to Royal Derby Hospital
      1. About Royal Derby Hospital
      2. Contact Royal Derby Hospital
      3. Construction of new multi-storey car park at Royal Derby Hospital
      4. Parking at Royal Derby Hospital
      5. Ward information
      6. CQC rating
      7. Maps of Royal Derby Hospital
    2. Getting to Queen's Hospital Burton
      1. About Queen's Hospital Burton
      2. Contact Queen's Hospital Burton
      3. Ward information
      4. Parking at Queen's Hospital Burton
      5. CQC rating
      6. Maps of Queen's Hospital Burton
    3. Getting to Samuel Johnson Community Hospital
      1. About Samuel Johnson Community Hospital
      2. Contact Samuel Johnson Community Hospital
      3. CQC rating
      4. Ward information
      5. Parking at Samuel Johnson Community Hospital
      6. Maps of Samuel Johnson Community Hospital
    4. Getting to Florence Nightingale Community Hospital
      1. About Florence Nightingale Community Hospital
      2. Contact Florence Nightingale Community Hospital
      3. Ward information for Florence Nightingale Community Hospital
      4. Parking at Florence Nightingale Community Hospital
      5. CQC rating
      6. Maps of Florence Nightingale Community Hospital
    5. Getting to Sir Robert Peel Community Hospital
      1. About Sir Robert Peel Community Hospital
      2. Contact Sir Robert Peel Community Hospital
      3. Parking at Sir Robert Peel Community Hospital
      4. Ward information
      5. CQC rating
      6. Maps of Sir Robert Peel Community Hospital
    6. Other sites offering UHDB services
      1. Getting to St Oswald's Hospital
      2. Getting to Long Eaton Health Centre
      3. Getting to Heanor Memorial Health Centre
      4. Getting to Ilkeston Community Hospital
      5. Getting to Ripley Community Hospital
  5. Work and learn

    1. Job opportunities at UHDB
      1. Dates for your diary
      2. Apply for a job at UHDB
      3. Recruitment process
        1. Applying for a job at UHDB
        2. FAQs in our recruitment process
      4. Temporary staffing (our bank)
      5. Volunteering
        1. Become a Patient Safety Partner (PSP)
        2. Volunteers' news
      6. Apprenticeships
        1. Apprenticeship stories
      7. Return to practice
        1. Return to practice case study
      8. International recruitment
      9. Project Search Derby
      10. Work experience
    2. Career pathways and clinical professions
      1. Allied health professionals (AHPs) and healthcare scientists (HCS)
        1. What are healthcare scientists (HCS)?
          1. What is a biomedical scientist?
          2. What is a vascular scientist?
          3. Associate practitioner in blood sciences
        2. What is an occupational therapist?
        3. What is a speech and language therapist?
        4. What is a physiotherapist?
        5. What is a diagnostic radiographer?
        6. What is a therapeutic radiographer?
        7. What is a dietitian?
        8. What is an orthoptist?
        9. What are prosthetists and orthotists?
        10. What is an operating department practitioner (ODP)?
      2. Healthcare support workers (HCSW)
      3. Nursing and midwifery pathways
      4. Jobs in Medicine
        1. Jobs in Respiratory Medicine
        2. Jobs in Diabetes and Endocrinology
        3. Jobs in Department of Medicine for the Elderly (DME)
        4. Jobs in Emergency Department
        5. Jobs in Dermatology
      5. Jobs in Women's and Children's services
        1. Jobs in Gynaecology
        2. Jobs in Children's Urgent Care Pathway
        3. Jobs in Children's Day Case Wards
        4. Jobs in Neonatal Care
      6. Jobs in Trustwide Services
        1. Jobs in Digital Services
      7. Jobs in Surgery
        1. Jobs in Trauma and Orthopaedics
        2. Jobs in Derby Private Health
        3. Jobs in Community Planned Care
      8. Jobs in Cancer and Diagnostics
        1. Jobs in Radiotherapy
        2. Jobs in Haematology
        3. Jobs in Palliative Medicine
        4. Jobs in Pharmacy
        5. Jobs in Dietetics
        6. Jobs in Imaging
      9. Jobs in Corporate Nursing
        1. Jobs in Patient Experience
    3. Working at UHDB
      1. How we say thank you
        1. Making a Difference Awards
          1. Making a difference Awards 2024
          2. Making a Difference Awards 2023
          3. Making a Difference Awards 2022
      2. UHDBe Valued - our staff benefits offer
      3. Living in Derbyshire and Staffordshire
      4. Training, education and development
      5. Wellbeing, health and fitness
    4. Training and education
      1. Admin and Clerical Course at UHDB
      2. Derby Endoscopic & Laparoscopic Training Centre (DELTA)
      3. Lead Employer Radiology
        1. About Lead Employer Radiology
        2. How does the Lead Employer Model work?
        3. Welcome to the Lead Employer – New Starters
        4. Lead Employer – Host Trust Information
        5. Guidance for Trainees and Host Trusts & Workplace Policies
        6. Health and Wellbeing and Staff Benefits
        7. Leave, Relocation and Claiming Expenses
        8. Additional payments
        9. Changing base hospital
        10. Payroll cut off dates & accessing ESR & the EASY expenses system
        11. Encrypted emails
        12. Forms and templates
        13. Lead Employer - workplace policies
        14. Contact us
      4. UHDB Digital Champion and Digital Health Champion Programmes
      5. Library and Knowledge service
      6. Medical Education at UHDB
        1. Undergraduate Education
        2. Graduate Entry Medical School
        3. Foundation Programme for graduates
        4. Foundation doctor job descriptions
      7. National Centre of Rehabilitation Education (NCORE)
      8. Nursing and midwifery training
      9. Pharmacy training
      10. Practice Learning Support Unit (PLSU)
        1. Allied Health Professionals (AHP) student induction
          1. Practice placement information for AHP student inductions
          2. PLSU and additional support networks for AHP students
      11. Preceptorship
      12. Resuscitation and Simulation Department at UHDB
        1. About the Resuscitation and Simulation department
        2. Resuscitation and Simulation courses
          1. Advanced Labour Ward Practice
          2. Advanced Life Support
          3. Advanced Paediatric Life Support (APLS)
          4. Advanced Trauma Life Support
          5. Basic Surgical Skills
          6. Care of the Critically ill Surgical Patient
          7. Community Adult and Paediatric Basic Life Support
          8. Generic Instructor Course
          9. Hospital Major Incident Management and Medical Support
          10. IMPACT (Ill Medical Patients Acute Care & Treatment)
          11. Laparoscopic Courses
          12. Managing Medical Obstetric Emergencies and Trauma (mMOET)
          13. Neonatal Life Support
          14. Ultrasound Course
        3. Simulation facilities
        4. Training and conference facilities for resuscitation and clinical skills
  6. Contact us

  7. About us

    1. Our organisation
      1. Our purpose, vision and values
      2. Trust reports
      3. Policies and procedures
      4. Achievements and accolades
        1. Presidents of their profession
        2. National achievements
        3. Clinical service achievements
        4. Staff accolades
      5. How we are managed, and the NHS constitution
      6. Quality, safety and experience
        1. Smokefree hospitals
        2. Patient privacy and dignity
      7. Sustainability
      8. Trust management structure
    2. Care Quality Commission (CQC)
    3. Council of Governors
      1. About our Council of Governors
      2. Become a Trust member
      3. Annual Members' Meeting
      4. Council of Governor Elections
    4. Trust board members and board papers
      1. How we are improving our Maternity services
        1. Maternity learning review publication 2023
      2. Obstetrics and Gynaecology review
    5. Regulatory information and privacy
      1. Privacy, Cookies and Disclaimer
      2. Declarations of Interest
      3. Inclusion and belonging
        1. Staff Networks
        2. NHS Rainbow Badges – helping UHDB to be more inclusive
      4. Freedom of Information (FOI)
        1. Publication scheme
          1. Invoices over £25k and agency spend
        2. FOI Disclosure Log
      5. Health records and subject access requests (SARs)
      6. Information Governance
    6. Our partners
      1. Armed Forces Network
      2. Air Arts
        1. Meet The Air Arts Team
      3. Derby & Burton Hospitals Charity
      4. Information for health professionals
        1. Pathology for healthcare professionals
          1. Breath Testing Service
          2. Pathology test database
          3. Derbyshire Shared Care Pathology
            1. Shared Care Pathology guidelines
            2. What is shared care pathology?
            3. Shared Care Pathology Microbiology Guidelines
          4. Blood transfusion laboratory
          5. Cellular pathology
            1. Andrology laboratory services
            2. Cytology laboratory services
            3. Histology laboratory services
            4. Mortuary
          6. Chemical pathology, haematology and immunology
          7. Microbiology
            1. Complex Outpatient Antibiotic Therapy (COpAT)
            2. Microbiology serology tests
            3. Microbiology specimen information
            4. Outpatient Parenteral Antimicrobial Therapy (OPAT)
            5. Consultant advice - microbiology
            6. Microbiology telephoned results
          8. UKAS Accreditation
        2. Pharmacy for health professionals
          1. Medicines Information Centre
          2. Formulary
          3. East Midlands Pharmacy Collaborative (EMPC)
          4. Derby-Burton Local Cancer Network
        3. Referring to us
          1. e-Referrals
          2. Referral forms and pathways
          3. Frail and older people single point of access
          4. ImpACT+ referrals
        4. Prescribing concerns
    7. Communications and media
      1. Latest news
      2. Information for journalists
  8. Research

    1. For researchers
      1. Innovation
      2. Funding and sponsorship
      3. Our studies
      4. Research groups
        1. D-BARN
      5. Research training and resources
    2. Our research teams
    3. For patients
      1. How to take part in research
      2. Help us design a study
      3. Patient research FAQs
    4. For industry
      1. Commercially sponsored research
    5. Our clinical studies
    6. Derby Clinical Trials Support Unit (CTSU)
      1. About Derby CTSU
      2. What we offer
        1. Study design and funding support
        2. Systematic literature review
        3. Trial management
        4. Data management
        5. Randomisation
        6. eCRF database
        7. Statistics
      3. DCTSU clinical trials
        1. Studies in set-up
        2. Active studies
          1. AFiRM Study
            1. About the AFiRM Study
            2. AFiRM recruitment progress graph
            3. What is multiparametric MRI?
            4. For participants and study teams
            5. Contact the AFiRM Study team
        3. Closed studies
        4. Our SWATs
      4. Standard operating procedures (SOPs) and policies
      5. Testimonials
      6. Data privacy notice
    7. How we use your data
    8. Research news