Welcome to research


As a university Trust we believe research is key to providing exceptional care. Our aim is to offer every patient the opportunity to take part in research, to develop new medicines, devices and treatments.

We host research funded by external organisations including the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR), Association of Medical Research Charities (AMRC) and the life sciences industry.

We support home grown studies, and sponsor high quality research of clear value to the NHS. From new investigators with their first ideas to multi-centre randomised controlled trials, we can work with you to design, set-up and deliver your research.

Research News

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Royal Derby Hospital researchers leading ground-breaking trial into thumb base arthritis treatment

Researchers from the Pulvertaft Hand Centre at Royal Derby Hospital are leading the way in a pioneering national study to determine the most effective treatment for thumb base arthritis, a condition t...

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Research project at Florence Nightingale Community Hospital seeking people who have Parkinson's Disease

A research project at Florence Nightingale Community Hospital (FNCH) led by University of Plymouth, is looking for people who have Parkinson's Disease to improve their walking through Functional Elect...

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UHDB part of national maternity research study to test babies for 200+ genetic conditions and improve genetic healthcare for future generations

University Hospitals of Derby and Burton (UHDB) is part of an innovative national long-term research called the Generation study  looking at newborn babies' genomes to help improve testing, diagn...

Contact Royal Derby Hospital

Research and Development Department
Medical School
Office 5033
Uttoxeter Road
DE22 3DT

Telephone: 01332 724 639

Email: uhdb.RandDadmin@nhs.net


Contact Queen's Hospital

Research and Development Department
Clock Tower Wing
Queen’s Hospital Burton
Belvedere Road
Burton on Trent
DE13 0RB

Telephone: 01283 566 333 ext 5496

Email: uhdb.RandDadmin@nhs.net


NIHR PID Reports

We are contractually obliged to report on the performance of every clinical trial taking place in the Trust by publishing on a quarterly basis: the time from when we have been selected as a research site to the first recruited patient; and the recruitment to time and target for commercial contract clinical trials. 

2018 - 2019

2019 - 2020

2020 - 2021

2021 - 2022

2022 - 2023