Inclusion and belonging

The Trust Board and Council of Governors of UHDB are fully committed to embedding a culture of inclusion and belonging and eliminating unlawful discrimination in line with the Equality Act 2010 and Public Sector Duty.  

The Trust welcomes diversity and drives forward inclusion and belonging so that everyone can be themselves.

Our Inclusion and Belonging Policy > outlines the Trust's commitment to ensuring diversity within our workforce and patient care. The Trust's Inclusion and Belonging Strategic Plan 2022-2025 provides a framework that sets out how UHDB aims to be the best place to work and drive forward inclusion and belonging, so that everyone can be themselves.

Download Inclusion and Belonging Plan 2022 - 2025 [pdf] 3MB

The Annual Public Sector Equality Duty and Equality Report, with supporting information, reflects a committed, proactive approach that represents a positive attitude towards an inclusive culture for workforce and patients/service users at UHDB.

Download Public Sector Equality Duty and Annual Equality Report 2023 [pdf] 2MB

We are determined to promote equality of access and identify and eliminate any inequalities in everything we do. We are committed to creating a safe place for our colleagues to work, where they are treated fairly with dignity and respect, and given equal opportunity to develop and reach their full potential. To achieve our equalities aim, we underpin all our work with our values of compassion, openness and excellence.

The NHS has a range of legal duties relating to equality and human rights. These are based on legislation relating to public sector organisations and are designed to ensure that services and employment practices treat colleagues and users of services fairly and equitably, and do not discriminate against people because of their diversity.

The Trust will not tolerate unlawful discrimination, victimisation, harassment, abuse and injustice under any circumstances and particularly because of a protected characteristic which includes:

  • race
  • age
  • sex
  • disability
  • religion or belief (or no belief)
  • pregnancy or maternity
  • civil partnership or marriage
  • gender re-assignment
  • sexual orientation

A Concerns Resolution Policy is in place to support and enable all colleagues to openly discuss their concerns.

The promotion of equality, inclusion and human rights is at the heart of UHDB, and we are committed to embedding equality and diversity values into everyday practices, policies and procedures.

UHDB inclusion and belonging accreditations

Equality and inclusion in our employment

The Trust is committed to ensuring that no job applicant or employee is discriminated against, either directly or indirectly, on the ground of any of the nine protected characteristics.

In addition we do not discriminate based on social background, working patterns or trade union membership.

We are committed to promoting and championing a culture of diversity, fairness and equality for all our employees and potential employees. We will do this by valuing and celebrating individual difference and acknowledging potential contribution to the continued development of the organisation, which will in turn improve the services we provide.

As part of our commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion we are signed up to:

  • Mindful Employer Charter
  • Disability Confident Employer - we are a Disability Confident Employer and committed to both employing and retaining people with disabilities. This commitment is to guarantee an interview for any candidate that has disclosed a disability under the Equality Act 2010 and who meets the essential criteria set out in the person specification. Reasonable adjustments under the Equality Act 2010 will be considered upon request.
  • Armed Forces Covenant - understanding that those who serve or who have served in the armed forces, and their families, should be treated with fairness and respect in their communities, economy and society.

UHDB has been awarded the Armed Forces Covenant Gold Award Disability Confident Employer

Workforce Disability Equality Standards (WDES)

For the first time in 2019 providers of NHS services are required to submit their data against the ten WDES Metrics to NHS England. The WDES compares the experience of staff with disabilities or long term conditions with the experience of the wider workforce. It aims to ensure that this staff group have equal access to career opportunities and receive fair treatment in the workplace. The Trust’s WDES data have been reviewed by the Trust Board and has been approved for publishing on the Trust website. 

The Trust must ensure to publish a report annually, in line with the Public Sector Equality Duty, on the Trust website. Please see copies of the document below;

Workforce Race Equality Standards (WRES)

Since its introduction in 2015, the WRES has required NHS trusts and clinical commissioning groups (CCGs) to self-assess, annually, on nine indicators of workforce race equality.  A national WRES team has been established to provide direction and tailored support to NHS Trusts.

The main purpose of the WRES is to help local, and national, NHS organisations to review their data against the nine WRES indicators, to produce action plans to close the gaps in work experience between White and Black & Ethnic Minority (BME) staff.

The Trust’s WRES data have been reviewed by the Trust Board and has been approved for publishing on the Trust website.  The Trust must ensure to publish a report annually in line with the Public Sector Equality Duty.

Please see copies of the documents below;

Gender Pay Gap (GPG)

The Trust is required to report annually on its gender pay gap calculations in accordance with the Equality Act 2010 (Specific Duties and Public Authorities) Regulations 2017. These regulations underpin the Public Sector Equality Duty and require the Trust to publish their gender pay gap based on the employees in the organisation as of the 31 March each year.

The Trust is required to be published the GPG Report by the 1st April of the following year. Please see copies of the report below;

Modern slavery

The Modern Slavery Act will give law enforcement the tools to fight modern slavery, ensure perpetrators can receive suitably severe punishments for these appalling crimes and enhance support and protection for victims. The Trust complies with the act.

Read more about Modern Slavery Act 2015 (opens in new window) >