Amputee Rehabilitation Centre (ARC) and lower limb prosthetics

The Amputee Rehabilitation Centre (ARC) based at the Royal Derby Hospital is the regional amputee and prosthetic service providing care for lower limb amputees in Southern Derbyshire.

We only accept referrals for patients aged 18 and over.

We aim to maximise a person’s quality of life and functional independence following major lower limb amputation.

We will support amputee patients and their families/ carers before, during and after an amputation, putting the patient at the centre of everything we do. 

Every patient will be assessed by our rehabilitation consultant and occupational therapist. Depending on the outcome of those assessments, you may also see a physiotherapist and prosthetist. We provide a lifelong service for our amputee patients, whether prosthetic limb wearers or full-time wheelchair users, as not every patient will be able to safely use a prosthetic leg. We personalise each rehabilitation programme to achieve specific and realistic goals for each patient, working with you to achieve your full potential.

Key contacts

If you have any specific questions or concerns, you can contact the Amputee Rehabilitation Centre by post, email or telephone.

Amputee Rehab Centre,
Car Park 7,
Royal Derby Hospital
DE22 3NE

Telephone: 01332 788929


Opening hours: 8am - 4pm, Monday – Friday (excluding bank holidays)

The team will try to be flexible to work around patient’s other commitments. Earlier and later appointment times can sometimes be arranged.

Information for patients and their families/ carers

What happens when I attend ARC?

New amputees are invited to a new patient assessment by the ARC Rehabilitation consultant – this may be completed as a home visit if the patient is unable to attend the clinic safely. Further referrals to ARC therapy, community therapy, prosthetic service or other appropriate services will be undertaken depending on the outcome of this appointment, and what rehabilitation needs are identified.

Download map of Royal Derby Hospital (opens in new window) >

Discharge information

ARC staff do not co-ordinate discharges from the acute hospital but are happy to offer support and advice in complex cases.

For prosthetic users, with the long-term nature of their rehabilitation needs, we provide lifelong prosthetic support.

Patient information leaflets

Access Amputee Rehabilitation Centre leaflets >


Patients making their own way to appoints.

If you are a blue badge holder, parking is free. There are several disabled parking spaces directly outside the centre for amputee patients/carers and East Midlands Ambulance service (EMAS.)

For non-blue badge holders, the first 30 minutes of parking is free.

If you would like further information about applying for the blue badge, please visit the GOV.UK website (opens in new window) >

Patients who require hospital patient transport

Patients would be expected to book their own transport if they meet the hospital transport criteria.

Hospital patient transport is available for patients who require assistance from skilled ambulance staff to get in/out of their house to attend appointments.

If you are unsure if you qualify for ambulance non-emergency transport, please follow the link or call the contact number for the area you live in.

Derby and Derbyshire patients
East Midlands Ambulance Service (EMAS)
Website: access EMAS website (opens in new window) >
Telephone: 0300 300 3434

Staffordshire patients
Website: access ERS Medical website (opens in new window) >
Telephone: 0333 240 4999

Leicestershire patients
TASL (Thames Ambulance Service Ltd.)
Website: access Leicester Hospital website (opens in new window) >
Telephone: 0345 241 3012


Depending on your age, you may be eligible to apply for Personal Independence Payments (PIP) or Attendance Allowance.

Personal Independence Payments (PIP) can help with extra living costs if you have a long-term physical or mental health condition or disability, and difficulty doing certain everyday tasks or getting around because of your condition.

Attendance Allowance helps with extra costs if you have reached state pension age, and you have a disability severe enough that you need someone to help look after you.

To apply for these benefits, please speak to the Amputee Rehab Centre team, and they will help you with your application and write a letter to support your application.


You may have been provided with equipment to help support you with daily activities following an amputation, such as mobile commode, toilet frame, shower chair etc.

If you no longer require the equipment that you were provided, please contact MedEquip to arrange collection.

Derby/Derbyshire telephone: 01773 604426

Staffordshire telephone: 01785 273950

Leicestershire telephone: 0116 216 8686

Making a referral to ARC

Referrals for ongoing outpatient care can be made by either:

  • completion of the ARC referral form by a healthcare professional who has been caring for a patient who has recently had a lower limb amputation.
  • GP referral letter.

To request for an appropriate referral form, please email


Referrals for advice and support are encouraged and usually made by the consultant whose care the patient is under for their amputation.

Ward visits

Although we are mainly an outpatient service, a member of our team will try to meet new amputees as inpatients, if they are under the care of UHDB, to offer advice and support.

Established prosthetic patients

If established users/existing prosthetic limb users are requesting to transfer their care to Derby’s amputee rehab centre, they can either call to discuss with a member of our team or ask their current prosthetic centre to refer them.

Patients can only be under the active care of one NHS prosthetic centre.

Returning to driving following an amputation

We are commonly asked about people returning to driving following their amputation.

Once you have had an amputation, the DVLA need to be informed and they will complete medical enquiries. Visit GOV.UK website for Amputations and Driving (opens in new window) >  or telephone 0300 790 6806. Your insurance company will also need to be advised of the changes to your health and of any adaptations fitted to your car.

You may benefit from a referral to DrivAbility, who suggest adaptations to facilitate a return to driving and also look at wheelchair loading. The Amputee Rehabilitation Centre team can give you more information and refer you to this service. Visit Derby DrivAbility page >

Wheelchair services

AJM healthcare is the appointed NHS wheelchair service provider for residents currently registered with a GP in Derbyshire.

AJM healthcare will provide all NHS wheelchair services including clinical assessments, specialist seating, delivery, repairs and maintenance and collection when necessary.

For more information, please visit the NHS Derbyshire Wheelchair service website (opens in new window) >

Key contacts

For Derby/Derbyshire patients wheelchair services are run by AJM Healthcare.
Address: AJM Healthcare, Alfreton, Derby, Derbyshire, DE21 4AP        
Telephone: 0808 169 8747

For Staffordshire patients wheelchair services are run by Opcare.
Telephone: 01782 216940

For Leicestershire patients wheelchair services are run by Opcare.
Telephone: 01782 216940

Amputee organisations/charities

Some people find linking with others that have experienced amputation very helpful and supportive. The table below shows a list of national amputee specific charities and support services.

Amputee organisations/charities
Organisation Contact details

Amputee Rehabilitation Centre

Telephone: 01332 788929

Amputation Foundation

Website: access Amputation Foundation website (opens in new window) >

Telephone: 01744 808850 

Steel Bones

Website: access the Steel Bones website (opens in new window) >

Telephone: 01223 734 000


Limbless Association

Website: Access Limbless Association website (opens in new window) >

Telephone: 01245 216 671

Helpline: 0800 644 0185



Website: Access BLESMA website (opens in new window) >

Telephone: 020 8590 1124



Website: Access Limbcare website (opens in new window) >

Telephone: 0800 052 1174


Limb Power

Website: Access Limb Power website (opens in new window) >

General enquiries telephone: 07502 276858

Sport enquiries telephone: 0750303070