Welcome to Maternity

You will be seen by our experienced midwives in the Triage Units at Royal Derby Hospital (RDH) and Queen's Hospital Burton (QHB) from 16 weeks of pregnancy until six weeks after the birth of your baby.
Maternity Triage is open every day and is a 24-hour service.
UHDB Maternity Triage
Telephone: 01332 785796
We have a single telephone number for Triage which is for both hospital sites. If you need support, please telephone first so our experienced midwives can advise you on which unit to attend, based on your symptoms and where you are in your pregnancy.
If English is not your first language or you find it difficult to talk on a telephone, or if you feel it is unsafe for you to telephone, then please make your way directly to Maternity Triage.
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Find out how our maternity services have changed post coronavirus pandemic >
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A mum who was carrying twins when doctors discovered a cancerous cyst is being reunited with the NHS staff who found the cancer and helped deliver her 'miracle' boys safely, and said their expertise, ...
A mother of four now has the 'family she always dreamed of' thanks to lifesaving care from maternity and neonatal staff at Royal Derby Hospital who cared for her twice during two complicated pregnanci...
Do you know any women or birthing people who would like to share their experiences at our maternity event taking place on 8 March from 10am - 12pm?...
A specialist nurse at Royal Derby Hospital who treated a patient before they sadly passed away, received recognition by their family for providing the compassionate care that allowed them to "pass awa...