Combined Triage Assessment Unit (CTAU)

The Combined Triage Assessment Unit aims to treat cancer patients who become very unwell, to help avoid admission to the hospital.

We are a highly skilled team of nursing and medical staff, specialist in the triage, assessment and treatment of Oncology and Haematology patients undergoing treatment.

We are a Same Day Emergency Care (SDEC) department and see a variety of patients with side effects or complications of their treatment.

If patients require hospital admission, we admit directly from the Combined Triage Assessment Unit to the wards.

The Combined Triage Assessment Unit is located at Entrance 24, Level 1 at the Royal Derby Hospital.

The nearest car park to CTAU is car park 6. Free parking is provided to all those who have at least 3 pre-planned appointments within a month and for an overall period of at least 3 months. These tickets need to be stamped at reception.

The Combined Triage Assessment Unit is using patient feedback to improve our patients experience during their visit.

Improvements to service:

  • Our seating will be replaced with more comfortable, fit for purpose chairs.
  • A new bloods machine has been ordered, which should help reduce waiting times on lab results.
  • We are investigating if we can we store our most prescribed drugs in the department, to reduce the time it takes for patients to receive the medication they require.
  • We held a charity bake sale to raise money to purchase radios for our CTAU team.
  • Creating activity trolleys with quizzes, newspapers, crosswords etc, to help entertain our patients whilst they wait to receive their care.

Continuous Improvement

The team will continue to monitor the patient experience surveys and try to act on your comments where we can. We will also continue to measure our waiting times.