Andrology laboratory services

Services include

  • Semen analysis for fertility

  • Post vasectomy semen analysis

  • Retrograde semen analysis

  • Reversal of  vasectomy semen analysis


Fertility Unit, Ground Floor
Royal Derby Hospital
Uttoxeter Road
DE22 8NE

Nearest entrance: 19
Nearest car park:  6

Alternatively there are two twenty minute drop-off parking places outside the unit.

Contact us

Clinical lead for fertility: Mr Jayaprakasan
Telephone:  01332 785 177

For advice on sample processing, collection and reference ranges:
Telephone:  01332 785 710

Book an appointment

You will need to have a SwiftQueue account to book your appointment. Details will be given via the link.

Andrology lab opening times
Wednesday 8am - 3:30pm
Thursday 8am - 3:30pm
Friday 8am - 3:30pm

Clinical advice and information can be obtained by telephone from the clinical lead for fertility, Mr Jayaprakasan:  

Telephone Mr Jayaprakasan:  01332 785 177

Advice from an expert biomedical scientist is available by contacting the laboratory directly, for questions related to sample processing, collection and reference ranges: 

Telephone:  01332 785 710

Measurement uncertainty values for semen analysis

Clinical Decision Values (reference ranges) 

WHO 5th (2010) 

WHO 6th (2021) - lower reference limit (5th centiles and their 95% confidence intervals) 

Semen volume (ml) 

1.5 (1.4 - 1.7) 

1.4 (1.3 - 1.5) 

Total sperm number (106 per ejaculate) 

39 (33 - 46) 

39 (35 - 40) 

Sperm concentration (106 per ml) 

15 (12 - 16) 

16 (15 - 18) 

Total motility (PR + NP, %) 

40 (38 - 42) 

42 (40 - 43) 

Progressive motility (PR, %) 

32 (31 - 34) 

30 (29 - 31) 

Non-progressive motility (NP, %) 

1 (1 - 1) 

Immotile spermatozoa (IM, %) 

20 (19 - 20) 

Sperm morphology (normal forms, %) 

4 (3.0 - 4.0) 

4 (3.9 - 4.0) 

Vitality (live spermatozoa, %) -  


54 (50 - 56) 





Every measurement is subject to some uncertainty. Measurement uncertainty can come from the measuring instrument, from the item being measured, from the environment, from the operator, and from other sources. Measurement uncertainties can be estimated using statistical analysis of a set of measurements. The use of good practice such as traceable calibration, careful calculation, good record keeping, and checking can reduce measurement uncertainties. 

In order to provide a measure of confidence in results produced by a laboratory, it is necessary to identify all factors which may contribute to variation of measurement in a process and assess the potential to influence uncertainty. Once identified these factors must be reduced or controlled to an acceptable level and a value for the range of acceptable uncertainty assigned where possible. 

Andrology has determined the measurement uncertainty values for semen analysis. They are reviewed regularly and reassessed whenever a significant change in the procedure occurs, e.g. new equipment or modification of the assay. These uncertainty measurement values are available upon request. 

Semen analysis (white) and post-vasectomy analysis (green) request forms are available from our pathology stores.

Telephone: 01332 785 581

Request forms for IUI and DI analysis are provided by the relevant clinicians at appointments. 

Instructions for transportation of samples

The fertility laboratory operates an appointment only system for the analysis of semen samples.

It is preferably for samples to be produced on site (dedicated rooms available)

Samples that are produced at home must be provided in a specific container (available from the fertility unit) and brought to the unit at the arranged appointment time. Samples must be received within 30 minutes of production.

How to submit samples

Semen sample pots provided by the fertility unit are cytotoxicity tested by the Andrology laboratory. It is essential that these containers are used. We cannot accept samples in any other containers.

It is imperative that samples arrive in the department soon after production. Time limits are set at 30 minutes post production for semen analysis and for post vasectomy analysis to allow us to process the sample within 1 hour of production.

Abstinence (the length of time since the last ejaculate by masturbation or intercourse) should be between a minimum of 2 days and preferably up to a maximum of 7 days; outside of this range means quantity and/or quality of the sample may be affected.

It is essential that the whole sample is collected. Samples that are only partially collected will not be tested. This is to avoid the reporting of inaccurate results, as sperm are not ejaculated evenly throughout the seminal fluid.

Samples that are produced at home should be kept at body temperature. Excessive heat/cold will affect the diagnostic interpretation of results.

What are the time limits for requesting additional examinations?

All additional test examinations are carried out when appropriate by the biomedical scientist as part of the diagnostic process. This may include

  • vitality test
  • anti-sperm antibody testing

Do you know what happens to your sample?

Watch short animated videos to see different sample journeys in hospital laboratories (opens in new window) >

The laboratory are currently transitioning to the new WHO 6th (2021) semen analysis reporting guidance for sub-fertility, and as of 2 May 2023, all reports will be issued to the WHO 6th (2021) reporting standard.

Details of clinical decision values for both the WHO 5th and 6th editions are available above within the 'availability of clinical advice and interpretation' drop-down menu.

The Andrology service is currently accredited, by UKAS under ISO15189:2012, to report to the WHO 5th edition. 

The following tests are accredited by UKAS;

  • Motility, sperm concentration and morphology for sub-fertility 
  • Post vasectomy semen analysis 

If you would like more information, please contact the Andrology department on 01332 785710 to discuss any concerns.

The laboratory is HFEA accredited.

The following tests are not UKAS accredited;

  • Viscosity

  • Agglutination

  • Retrograde

  • Vitality

  • Antisperm Antibody