Home Oxygen Service

The Home Oxygen Service assesses, prescribes, reviews and follows up patients requiring oxygen at home.

The service also reviews all patients currently receiving oxygen to determine what supply and equipment is appropriate for their condition and will support and follow up those patients.

High quality home oxygen treatment is available to all who need it, and the service ensures this is supplied through the most cost effective route.

Home Oxygen Equipment

Watch our video for more information on the types of equipment we provide:

Service elements

  • The respiratory assessment includes capillary blood gas analysis to determine a patient’s oxygen requirements (this involves taking a small sample from an ear lobe)
  • Initiation, maintenance and withdrawal of home oxygen therapy
  • Education, advice and support for not only the patient, but hospital and community colleagues who may have patients in receipt of oxygen therapy
  • Respiratory Team (ART), and Palliative Care
  • The aim of the service is to comply with the local Home Oxygen Patient Pathway, and with National Department of Health and British Thoracic Society Guidelines on the Provision of Home Oxygen
  • The service is not an emergency response service for patients who require oxygen therapy for acute episodes of illness