Maxillofacial Surgery

The Maxillofacial Unit offers a comprehensive service relating to conditions of the face, mouth and jaws, including a routine assessment and treatment service for common oral surgical conditions.

Our consultants treat a range of conditions, including facial injuries, head and neck cancers, salivary gland diseases, facial deformities, facial pain, temporomandibular (jaw) disorders, impacted teeth, cysts and tumours of the jaws, as well as mouth ulcers and infections. 

The consultant surgeons are supported by a dedicated team of doctors, some of whom are qualified dentists undertaking further training, maxillofacial trained nursing staff and specialist dental nurses and maxillofacial laboratory staff.  In addition, there are close links with the orthodontic specialists.  All staff members are dedicated to providing patients with first class care. 

The consultant team works both at Queen's Hospital and the Royal Derby Hospital and offers a comprehensive service including: 

  • All forms of facial trauma and injury
  • Dento-alveolar surgery and oral soft tissue surgery
  • Facial deformity surgery
  • Facial disproportion surgery
  • Facial soft tissue surgery (including cosmetic facial surgery, eg moles, sebaceous cysts, basal cell carcinomas and squamous cell carcinomas)
  • Major head and neck malignancy surgery
  • Management of facial pain
  • Management of temporomandibular (jaw) joint disorders including prosthetic joint replacement
  • Oral osseointegrated implantology (bone anchorage of oral prosthesis)
  • Paediatric maxillofacial surgery
  • Salivary glad surgery for both benign and malignant disease
  • Surgical management of obstructive sleep apnoea

Queen's Hospital Burton


Head and Neck Outpatients
Ground Floor
Belvedere Road
Burton on Trent
DE13 0RB

Telephone: 01283 593 109

Royal Derby Hospital


Head and neck Outpatients
King's Treatment Centre
Level 2
DE22 3NE

Nearest entrance: King's Treatment Centre Entrance 6
Nearest car park: 4

Daycase Surgery

King's Treatment Centre
Level 3
DE22 3NE

Nearest entrance: King's Treatment Centre Entrance 6
Nearest car park: 4

Head and Neck Inpatients

Ward 307
Level 3
DE22 3NE

Nearest entrance: 9
Nearest car park: 4

Telephone: 01332 787 871