Knee protocols

Get information on protocols, patient information, exercises and related exercise videos for each area of knee ligament reconstruction.

A large proportion of our workload and an area we specialise in is the rehabilitation of patients who have recently had ligament reconstructions performed mostly at the Royal Derby Hospital.

Our rehabilitation protocols have been produced with orthopaedic surgeons to ensure patients are receiving the best possible care after surgery.

The Return to Sport Protocol provides evidence based guidelines after ACL reconstruction. Progression is based on the individual demonstrating readiness to progress by achieving functional criteria rather than time alone. This protocol can be used for other ligament reconstructions but progression may be delayed depending on the amount of surgery the person has had done.


Return to sport video drills

The videos below are provided to help the clinician and individual with the later stages of rehabilitation. Time frames are suggested as a guide but people will progress at different rates through the rehabilitation programme.​ Please only move on to the next stage of exercises under direction from your physiotherapist because they will use some tests to see if your knee is ready for the loads that the new set of exercises will demand on your operated knee.

ACL video drills

Progressive impact exercises

Early agility and plyometrics

Advancing sport specific drills