Jobs in Gynaecology

midwife smiling at camera

Our Gynaecology service cares for women that may have issues related to fertility, recurrent miscarriage, menopause, cancer, and sexual health.

The team is supported by clinical nurse specialists, general nurses and health care assistants.

Latest news from Gynaecology

Lucy Miles
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image-Ovarian Ultraradical Theatre Team MADA.png
Outstanding surgical team recognised for their life-changing work in cancer care

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Why join us in Gynaecology?

UHDB's Gynaecology teams, based across both Royal Derby Hospital and Queen's Hospital Burton, provide care for women across Derbyshire and Staffordshire, and have been recognised at a national and international level for their work. 

Our Gynaecology Oncology team have recently been recognised by the European Society of Gynaecologists for their work in advanced ovarian cancer. The team are proud of this recognition, and help women undergoing initial cancer diagnosis, investigations, surgical treatment and follow up care.

The Gynaecology service is accredited as a tertiary centre for the treatment of endometriosis, a condition where tissue similar to the lining of the womb grows in other places, such as the ovaries and fallopian tubes.

The Urogynaecology Unit at Royal Derby Hospital has become one of only 40 sites in country to be recognised at a national level for its high quality care to patients. 1,200 outpatient procedures are undertaken every month by the team, and 700 patients are supported by our Gynaecology Assessment Unit (GAU) every month.

The team performs advanced laparoscopic surgery and has seen significant improvements to its structure and governance.

Wards and consultants

Royal Derby Hospital

  • Ward 209 (21 beds)
  • 15 bed Day Case Unit (also supporting breast patients)
  • GAU incorporating Early Pregnancy Assessment Unit (EPAU)
  • Outpatients including ambulatory suites for a wide range of procedures
  • Fertility Unit

Queen's Hospital Burton

  • Ward 30 (including GAU and EPAU)
  • Use of the Treatment Centre for suitable patients
  • Outpatient facility and fertility care

A wide range of outpatient clinics are also in our community hospitals.

View our Gynaecology and Obstetrics consultants >



  • General Gynaecology
  • Gynaecology Oncology
  • Urogynaecology
  • Endometriosis
  • Fertility
  • Menopause
  • Recurrent miscarriage
  • Termination of pregnancy
  • Colposcopy
  • Family history (risk reducing)
  • Vulval (joint with Dermatology)