Jobs in Respiratory Medicine

Respiratory patient leaving hospital

Our award winning Respiratory Medicine department is one of the largest respiratory departments in the country, and has been on the front-line in the fight against Covid-19.

We provide a comprehensive service for the diagnosis and management of respiratory diseases in adults living in Southern Derbyshire, East Staffordshire, and surrounding areas.

Latest news from Respiratory Medicine

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A UHDB senior sister is throwing for glory when she competes in javelin in Florida next year.

Netty Webster, a University Hospitals of Derby and Burton (UHDB) Senior Sister on Respiratory Ward 3 at Queen's Hospital Burton (QHB), is preparing for her "dream" of competing in the World Masters Ch...

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New oxygen flow devices at Queen's Hospital Burton aim to help reduce respiratory patients' length of treatment

An innovative new device which can help reduce the time patients need to spend receiving oxygen therapy is currently being evaluated at University Hospitals of Derby and Burton (UHDB). The device, ...

Why join us in Respiratory Medicine?

Innovation is at the heart of what we do, and we have friendly teams of staff ready to welcome you and support your development.

We have a tailored preceptorship programme for newly qualified staff, and a wide range of progression opportunities.

Impact+ team

The Impact+ team has transformed specialist community respiratory services for local people since 2018.

They are an established, multi-disciplinary team, supporting patients from the point of diagnosis, through to later stages of their respiratory disease. They review patients in community clinics and home visits across Southern Derbyshire, and work to offer seamless care for patients with a range of chronic respiratory diseases, including Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), Asthma, and Bronchiectasis.

The team are working towards national accreditation for their Pulmonary Rehabilitation service, and offer lots of training opportunities to support clinical development of staff members.

How is the team made up?

Based at Florence Nightingale Community Hospital (FNCH), the team have;

  • four consultants
  • 14 nurses
  • six physiotherapists
  • three fitness instructors
  • four admin staff

Respiratory team

Our team is made up of consultants, a range of junior doctors, advanced clinical practitioners (ACPs), and allied health professionals (AHPs), including physiotherapists and occupational therapists. 

We have an enhanced discharge co-ordinator, as well as discharge support officers and nursing staff. As a department we work closely with other specialist nursing teams, such as our Speech and Language Therapy teams.


Sarah, Advanced Clinical Physiologist (Respiratory) talks about her role at UHDB.

Wards and consultants

At Royal Derby Hospital

  • Ward 402 comprises of 29 beds
  • Ward 403 comprises of 27 beds including four high dependency beds (HDU)
  • Ward 404 comprises of 29 beds

At Queen's Hospital Burton

  • Ward 3 comprises of 31 beds (two protected NIV beds)


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