Discharge Assessment Unit (DAU)

The Discharge Assessment Unit (DAU) helps support up to 50 patients a day leave hospital.

The aim is to provide a comfortable and relaxing environment for patients to wait away from the ward area, while the final parts of their discharge/transfer of care are being arranged where they can wait for medications, transport or family members to take them home or to another unit/hospital. 

By waiting in the DAU rather than on a ward, we can make ward beds available for other patients.

We will work towards discharging you from hospital at the earliest opportunity. While you are on the DAU:

  • the doctor or Advanced Clinical Practitioner (ACP) will write your discharge letter.
  • the Pharmacy team will order and check your medications.
  • the Multidisciplinary Team (MDT) will assess your long term care needs and arrange any extra help or support at home before you leave.

DAU at Royal Derby Hospital


During your stay you will be allocated a chair or bed, depending on your needs and availability within the DAU. We also have individual side rooms which can be used for overnight stays if significant delays occur while planning your discharge.

We have several areas including two large seating areas (called ‘Team 1’ and ‘Team 2’).

We will endeavour to make your stay as comfortable as possible. We can offer you food, snacks, and hot and cold drinks. If you have any allergies, please let us know.

How long will I stay on the DAU?

This depends on your needs following your discharge from hospital. You may be asked to wait for a new supply of medications, or extra help or support if it is being arranged for you at home.

When is visiting time?

We support limited but flexible visiting. Please check with your nurse if you would like a visitor to wait with you.

Arranging your transport home

Please arrange your own transport home where possible. We can provide a free parking pass to the person collecting you - please ask for one if needed. Or we can book a taxi for you.

If you need hospital transport, please be aware the average time from booking is 4 hours.

Contact us

Telephone: 01332 787830 / 01332 786673 / 01332 787536

We are located at Level 1 at the front of the Royal Derby Hospital (by Car Park 8).


DAU at Queen's Hospital Burton


We are a nurse led unit supported by specialist discharge liaison nurses who complete the assessments needed for a safe discharge home. We support up to 50 new patients a day leave hospital. DAU has several areas including a seating area, male and female bedded areas and side rooms. During your stay you will be allocated a chair or bed depending on your needs and availability within the DAU. The bedded area and side rooms can be used for an overnight stay should there be any significant delays in your discharge.

We will endeavour to make your stay as comfortable as possible. We can offer you hot food, snacks, and hot and cold drinks. If you have any allergies, please let us know.

A food parcel for you to take home can also be provided as necessary.

How long will I stay on the DAU?

This depends on your needs following your discharge from hospital. You may be asked to wait for a new supply of medications, or extra help or support if it is being arranged for you at home.

When is visiting time?

We support limited but flexible visiting. Please check with your nurse if you would like a visitor to wait with you.

Arranging your transport home

Please arrange your own transport home where possible. We can provide a free parking pass to the person collecting you - please ask for one if needed. Or we can book a taxi for you.

If you need hospital transport, please be aware the average time from booking is 4 hours.

Contact us

Telephone: 01283 566 333 ext: 3072

We are located on the 1st floor (use the stairs or lift by Pharmacy).