Getting your diabetic eye screening results

Within six weeks, both you and your GP should receive a letter letting you know your results.

We can't provide results immediately as the photographs need to be studied by a number of different healthcare professionals, including someone who is trained in identifying and grading retinopathy.

What the results mean

The results letter will inform you of the level of retinopathy and maculopathy that has been found at the back of your eye. The retinopathy grade will tell you if the eye has generally been affected by diabetes, and the maculopathy grade will say if it is affecting the most important part of the eye – the macula.


  • R0: Very little risk of sight threatening diabetic retinopathy. You do not need treatment at this time and background retinopathy does not affect your sight.

  • R1: Back ground retinopathy. Small changes to the blood vessels in the retina at the back of the eye.

  • R2: Pre-proliferative retinopathy: Changes to the retina that could result in long-term problems with your sight.

  • R3: Sight threatening retinopathy: Serious changes to the blood vessels at the back of the eye that need treatment.  This may involve laser treatment or an injection into the eye.



  • M0: No changes that affect the macula.

  • M1: Changes to the macula which needs further checks more often than 12 months.


Other information provided in the letter may include:

  • Referral to Ophthalmology: The photographs have shown that you have some abnormalities in the retina that have been assessed and considered that you may need some treatment.

  • Not related to diabetes: Further assessment is required by an eye specialist, or you have cataracts and have requested to see an eye specialist regarding this.

  • Photographs not clear: Referral to hospital eye department to see an eye specialist who will use different equipment to get a clearer view of the back of the eye.

  • Assessment clinic:  Your results letter will say if changes unrelated to diabetes have been found that need further assessment, or you have cataracts that you have requested to see a specialist about.

  • VOPDR (digital surveillance):  If maculopathy is found then this will need to be seen by a specialist for further tests. If sight threatening retinopathy is found you will be referred to a specialist to discuss treatment options.