Renal Research
The Centre for Kidney Research and Innovation (CKRI) encompasses academic nephrology at the University of Nottingham (UON) and clinical Nephrology services at the Royal Derby Hospital.
We believe that close links between research and clinical teams facilitate excellence in both.
Our aim is to deliver an innovative programme of clinical and translational research in kidney disease and dialysis therapy, which will directly lead to improvements in treatments and outcomes for patients. We have an extremely strong track record in obtaining grant funding, publishing our results in peer-reviewed journals and in providing high quality training for research fellows.
Our key areas of research activity are Acute Kidney Injury (AKI), Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD), the haemodynamic and cardiovascular effects of dialysis, and clinical application of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in renal disease.
Get more information about our kidney research and innovation (UON) >
Our guiding principles are as follows:
- Research excellence: producing results of the highest quality
- Being innovative: advancing core knowledge and developing novel ideas
- Having impact: making a difference to our patients and their carers, and by so doing influencing policy and leading to improved health outcomes more widely across society
- Collaboration: building strong relationships within the division, school and university as well as external national and international partnerships
- Remain patient facing: involving patients and their carers in all stages of the design and prioritisation of our research
- Conduct our research with integrity at all times
We regularly have opportunities for research fellows who wish to undertake a dedicated period of clinical research with dedicated supervision and training.
If you are interested, or would like to know more about our research programme, please contact us by email: