NHS Blood and Transplant issues urgent call for convalescent plasma donors | Latest news

NHS Blood and Transplant issues urgent call for convalescent plasma donors

Plasma can be donated at donor centres across the country

NHS Blood and Transplant (NHSBT) is once more appealing to NHS staff and the general public to increase the collection of Covid-19 convalescent plasma as research into further treatments of the virus continues.

NHSBT is calling for anyone who has had Covid-19 to donate, particularly those who have been hospitalised as a result.

Including health checks and snacks, the entire process takes a little over an hour, with the process of extracting your plasma taking about 45 minutes of this time.

Your body quickly replenishes the antibodies and plasma you donate, so you may be able to give regularly and potentially help more people.

Plasma donation takes place at NHSBT donor centres which are located across the country, including in Nottingham, Leicester and Stoke.

Register for the Covid-19 convalescent plasma donation programme (opens in new window) >

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