Nurse Educator Alex shares Christmas cheer with staff and patients | Latest news

Nurse Educator Alex shares Christmas cheer with staff and patients

Alex singing in MAU

A Nurse Educator from our Medical Assessment Unit has taken to the “stage” to help keep our patients upbeat and smiling this Christmas.

Alex Penfold, 28, who works on our Medical Assessment Unit at Royal Derby Hospital, sang a few festive songs for our patients on our MAU this morning as a festive Friday treat.  Alex sings in her spare time and usually performs to multiple audiences, but unfortunately this year due to the on-going pandemic, she has only been able to perform in two performances, both of which have been for her patients on the Medical Assessment Unit.

Doreen Pinfield, 83 from Derby is currently a patient on our MAU, she said: “I’m used to carols myself as I usually go to church, but these Christmas pop songs are bringing lots of happiness to the staff and patients – it’s just what we needed to lift our spirits what with everything going on. I’ve never known a year like 2020 and it’s certainly one I will never forget.

“I’m hoping to be out of hospital in time for Christmas. I’ve had great care at the Royal Derby, but it’s been quite lonely here not being able to have any visitors. The staff have been great keeping me entertained and upbeat!”

Craig Meager, Senior Clinical Educator on our MAU said: “After a challenging year, a bit of covid secure fun on the ward is just what we all needed. We all deserve a bit of positivity after what’s happened throughout 2020 and we’re lucky that Alex has been able to bring that to the ward with her singing, as well as a bit of Christmas magic and cheer for the patients.”

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