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bike being repaired

Charity bike ride in honour of colleague

A Royal Derby Hospital consultant will be taking on a 24-hour charity bike ride tomorrow (1 April), in honour of a beloved UHDB colleague who sadly passed away over the weekend. 

member of diabetes team

Top results for children's diabetes team

Derbyshire Children’s Hospital’s Diabetes team have achieved their best ever results in the latest RCPCH National Paediatric Diabetes audit (NPDA) – helping to improve outcomes for children and young people with diabetes.

STOP A&E sign outside Royal Derby Hospital

Changes to Emergency Department at Royal Derby Hospital

To make sure we are best prepared to manage the increase in patients we expect to see for Coronavirus and to assist with social distancing, we have made some changes to the way patients are seen at Royal Derby Hospital Emergency Department.  

stay at home and protect the NHS

COVID-19: An update from our Chief Executive

Gavin Boyle, Chief Executive, said: “We can now confirm that sadly, four patients aged 47-80 have passed away at Royal Derby Hospital. They had tested positive for COVID-19. Our thoughts and condolences remain with the patient’s family and loved ones at this difficult time.

“These are unprecedented times for all our communities and across our hospitals in Derby, Burton, Lichfield and Tamworth our people are working in extraordinary ways to meet the challenge we face together.

nurses comforting a patient

Your NHS needs you now, more than ever

In these uncertain times, our NHS is under immense pressure and needs you more than ever.

We are in urgent need of your help to support our staff currently caring for patients with the coronavirus and vulnerable, high risk groups.

Mobile phone pile

Can you lend our staff a helping hand...set?

Are you able to lend our amazing staff who have to work from home a helping hand…set?

If you have upgraded your smartphone in the last 3-4 years and no longer have any use for your old and still working mobile, please consider donating it to our key workers.

Midwife and baby

Our advice to all of our pregnant women

As you will be aware the situation regarding advice for pregnant women in relation to Coronavirus (COVID -19) is rapidly changing and we would like to offer some practical advice to all women booked with Maternity Services at University Hospitals Derby and Burton (UHDB).

Occupational Health Team

CEO Award: Occupational Health Team

The Occupational Health Team has been recognised for their commitment towards protecting our patients and staff from flu.

The team received the CEO Making a Difference Award, which was presented by Gavin Boyle, Chief Executive at UHDB, after vaccinating 80.73% of our frontline healthcare staff across our five hospital sites.

In his blog, Gavin Boyle, Chief Executive, said; “I would like to thank the Occupational Health Team, peer vaccinators and each and every one of you who have rolled up your sleeves to have the vaccine. Work has already commenced on the flu programme for this year and a national target has been set to vaccinate 90% of frontline healthcare workers. I know I can count on your continued support to help protect yourself, patients and visitors.”

Gavin at Pride Pharmacy

Pride Pharmacy dispensing 10,000 prescriptions every month

Pride Pharmacy opened its doors at Royal Derby Hospital at the start of February and is one of the busiest pharmacies in the region, dispensing around 10,000 prescriptions every month.

Clive Newman, Chief Pharmacist at UHDB and Managing Director of Pride Pharmacy said: “We recognise there have been challenging moments in the first few weeks and would like to thank everyone who has visited us for their patience."

Guy Melidino

From Porters Lodge to Centre Stage; Meet Guy, our Singing Porter!

A porter from Queen’s Hospital Burton is proving that our portering team don’t just walk the walk!

Guy Melidoni, Porter for over six years at Burton has been singing across the globe for over 20 years. He spent 8 years in a band; however, he’s been singing solo for 10 years now.

“I love singing; it’s been going from strength to strength over the years. I work on the bank for the portering team so I can fit in my day job as well as my gigs!”

bathroom conversion team

Bathroom Conversion Project: Team UHDB Award

A team of staff from across the Trust who worked on the Bathroom Conversion Project have been recognised with a monthly staff award for their hard work following their fantastic teamwork and dedication.

Sharon Martin, Executive Chief Operating Officer presented the team with our March “Team UHDB” Making a Difference award.

Queen's Hospital porter team

Hospital Porters Praised for Patient Care

The Porters Team at Queen’s Hospital Burton have been recognised for their commitment towards patient care and supporting staff.

The team received the “Team UHDB” Award, which was presented by Duncan Bedford, Executive Managing Director at Burton, after a number of staff across Queen’s Hospital Burton nominated them for going above and beyond at all times.

Sepsis Support Group

Sepsis Support Group goes from strength to strength

Our sepsis survivor support group continues to grow with 25 people who have been affected by sepsis at our last meeting. The group facilitated by nurses from UHDB and the UK Sepsis Trust offers the opportunity for sepsis survivors to share their experience and support one another.

patient joining study programme

400th patient joins Inflammatory Bowel Disease study

We are delighted to announce that recruitment to the IBD BioResource study continues at a brisk pace. We have reached our 400th participant by recruiting over 100 patients in the last six months!   

Derby's Intensive Care Unit receive Patient Hero Award

'Guardian angels' in Derby's Intensive Care Unit receive Patient Hero Award

The team in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) at Royal Derby Hospital have been presented with the Patient Hero Award for January 2020 by a returning patient, whose life they saved after he contracted meningitis.

21-year-old Harrison Monk was admitted to ICU on 23 August 2019 after his sister found him semi-conscious on the bathroom floor with a purple rash on his face, arms and torso. Harrison then spent a month in the unit as he slowly recovered before being discharged in late September 2019.

patient standing with hospital team

Meningitis survivor reunited with team who saved his life

A patient has returned to Royal Derby Hospital thank the team who saved his life after he contracted meningitis last year.

21-year-old Harrison Monk, from Mickleover, Derby, spent a month in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) after falling ill with meningococcal septicaemia, a type of meningitis sometimes referred to as blood poisoning, in August 2019.

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