Staff present Trust’s great work at international forum on Sepsis care | Latest news

Staff present Trust’s great work at international forum on Sepsis care

Dr Alina Paunescu and Duncan Cameron

Two members of staff from UHDB recently presented at an international Sepsis forum in Brazil, following their brilliant work with other healthcare providers in Derbyshire to improve the pathways for patients with Sepsis.

Dr Alina Paunescu, Emergency Medicine Consultant and Sepsis Clinical Lead, and Duncan Cameron, Deputy General Manager for Specialist Medicine, presented their findings to experts in the field at The Sepsis Annual Symposium at the Windsor Barra Hotel in Rio de Janeiro on 9 – 10 May.

The Sepsis Annual Symposium is a two-day event showcasing international best practice, the latest innovation and advances in Sepsis care and furthering the debate on key topics.

Over the past year, the team has worked to improve identification and treatment of Sepsis in the community, with hospitals, walk-in centres, GPs and the ambulance service agreeing with the UHDB initiative and implementing a consistent approach and pathways. This has meant that each step of the pathway for patients is joined up and key information is relayed effectively between providers.

The team are now looking to develop a Sepsis Peer Support Group for patients who have recently been discharged from their care after overcoming a bout of Sepsis.

Dr Alina Paunescu said: “It is an honour to have been the only team from the UK to be invited to share the work that we are doing at UHDB with healthcare professionals from around the world. It is fantastic to see that our emerging vision for Sepsis care is attracting such global interest, and we are thrilled to be able to share this learning with our peers.”

Duncan Cameron added: “It was a fantastic opportunity to learn from other countries, from as far and wide as Chile, South Korea, Russia, America, Rwanda and France. Delegates were interested to hear how we collaborated with other providers and worked beyond the hospital boundaries. They were fascinated to learn that 70% of cases develop in the community and impressed at the improved patient outcomes achieved simply through working together as a healthcare system.”

Dr Magnus Harrison, Executive Medical Director and Deputy CEO at UHDB, said: “I’m delighted for Duncan and Alina and the whole Sepsis Team to be acknowledged in this way. The team is providing exceptional care together for patients in our Trust who present with Sepsis and I have no doubt that their work will continue to improve the care our patients receive in the future.”

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