In memory of David Boyer | Latest news

In memory of David Boyer

David Boyer

We are sad to announce that Derbyshire Pathology Driver David Boyer passed away last week.

Gavin Boyle, Chief Executive, said: “I want to pay tribute to David Boyer, who sadly passed away recently. David was a driver for Derbyshire Pathology for the past 15 years and was well known to those here at UHDB, Chesterfield Royal Hospital and the GP practices and community hospitals in the area. It is colleagues like David who make the NHS what it is, in David’s case making sure that vital samples make it to the clinical teams. David was originally a joiner by trade but came to the NHS for the latter part of his career and was part of a family that has made a significant contribution, with both his wife and daughter working in the service.

“One of David’s passions was as a committed supporter and season ticket holder for Chesterfield FC, and followed them through thick and thin, and I’m sure he will be missed at the stadium on match days as much as his colleagues will miss him here. I’d like to offer our sincere condolences on behalf of UHDB and Chesterfield Royal Hospital NHS Foundation Trust to David’s family at this time.”

David’s passing was not related to the current pandemic.

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