West End Star praises the remarkable cast at UHDB as he takes on a new role! | Latest news

West End Star praises the remarkable cast at UHDB as he takes on a new role!

West-End star pictured

West End Star praises the remarkable cast at UHDB as he takes on a new role!

An actor and expert in musical theatre from London’s West End has taken up a new role at the Royal Derby Hospital to offer his support throughout the Coronavirus Pandemic.

Stephen Lewis-Johnston, 21, originally from Derby has appeared in leading roles in musicals on the West End including Ghost and Dogfight.

Stephen performing Stephen is currently back in Derby due to entertainment venues across the UK being closed as part of the government lockdown. Stephen said, “I really wanted to help and do something useful in this crisis so I looked for jobs I could do and that's when I found the job as a Ward Host at the hospital.” Stephen started his latest starring role as a Ward Host on Ward 206 last Monday.

“Despite all the challenges the staff are facing, they have been really welcoming and I have enjoyed my first week meeting the patients and learning my new role. It has given me a new insight into how hard nurses like my mum work every day.”

Stephen’s mum, Leigh, has worked in Hand Theatres for almost two years.

Although not currently performing, Stephen shared a similarity of the two roles; he said “Despite the two roles being so different, a big part of both jobs is trying to bring a smile to people faces. To put on a successful performance everyone from the performers to the backstage crew has to play their part and every single part is essential....I think this applies to this crisis too...everyone has their part to play to get through this. We are all in this together!

“Once this is all over, my plan is to go back to London – I’m excited to see what the future brings after this mini career break! I’d like to say a massive thank you to the team on Ward 206 for looking after me and making me feel so welcome.”

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