Brenda reflects on amazing 47 year career serving the NHS in Lichfield | Latest news

Brenda reflects on amazing 47 year career serving the NHS in Lichfield

Domestic Assistant Brenda Burt

A member of the UHDB domestic team has reflected on her incredible 47 years of service to the NHS in Lichfield as she enters the final chapter of her career before her well earned retirement.

Brenda Burt, who is a Domestic Assistant at Samuel Johnson Community Hospital, has worked at a series of different hospital sites during decade spanning career, and has only fond memories of devoting her career to serving her local community.

It was back in July 1972, aged just 15, that Brenda’s career began when a careers officer paid her school a visit – and spotted that she had what it takes to be a perfect addition to the NHS.

Brenda said: “I remember the interview with the careers office and him saying to me: “I’ve got just the job for you!”. Then I went for my interview and was successful and haven’t looked back since.

“I have never had any problems and it’s always been so nice. I’ve loved my time in the NHS and am dedicated to it as it is such a rewarding job.”

It was in the Laundry Team that Brenda began her career at the form St Matthew’s Hospital in Burntwood, where she spent 14 years and worked her way up to become a Supervisor. Then in 1986, Brenda took a break to raise her young family of three children – three boys, two of which are twins – before returning to her career without a second thought about trying something new.

Brenda explained: “Even when I went on a break to raise my family, I always wanted to come back. This was the perfect role for me because I could take on fewer hours because of my family life commitments but over the years, I’ve picked these back up and am now working plenty more.

“There are three of us who have worked together throughout my career and have raised our families together which has been a really lovely aspect to it all.”

In 1989, Brenda returned to work as a Domestic Assistant at St Michael’s Hospital, which was located on the current Samuel Johnson hospital grounds, working evenings as she continued to raise her boys, before moving to Lichfield’s Victoria Hospital in 1995. It was during her time here that Brenda changed roles to become a Ward Housekeeper in 2006.

Brenda enjoyed her time on the wards, and even though she was presented with other opportunities, her calling was working for the domestic teams:

“I could have gone into nursing but I felt this role suited me better, particularly in terms of the hours and flexibility I was offered. The holidays and benefits are good and you don’t have to stay in the same role – you’re offered plenty of opportunities for development.

“I like seeing patients on the wards and enjoy talking to them. I think they look forward to seeing the domestics as we have all the banter!”

Brenda’s time at Samuel Johnson Community Hospital began in around 2007, when she took up her current position as Domestic Assistant, clocking up 14 years of service at this site alone.

While Brenda reflects fondly on her time in the NHS, it hasn’t come without its challenges – particularly during the pandemic. However, Brenda’s commitment to her team and her role never waned.

She added: “Even during the pandemic, I still worked all my hours. Covid affected some of us quite a bit but we were all there to support each other. People would ask me if I was still working and of course I was, I needed to do my bit to support everyone but it was hard.”

Now, after almost 50 years of service to healthcare in Lichfield, Brenda is looking forward to making the most of her retirement when she hangs up her lanyard in early 2023.

Brenda said: “I plan on spending lots of time with my grandchildren, going to my gardening club, swimming and maybe even on a few holidays!

When I first started in Lichfield, the hospital was run by the Burton trust, and now I’m back working with the same organisation which is really nice.

“I just can’t believe how quickly it’s all gone. Everyone has been great and so supportive, so thank you all.”

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