Compassionate midwife was 'hero' to family who had devastating loss | Latest news

Compassionate midwife was 'hero' to family who had devastating loss

Midwife Becky Wheeler has been awarded the Patient Hero award

Trigger warning: the below story contains references to stillbirth

A patient who lost her baby at 22 weeks has thanked the midwife who held her hand through the difficult times and was by her side 13 months later when she welcomed her second child.

Becky Wheeler, a community midwife based at Samuel Johnson Community Hospital, has won the Patient Hero award in the monthly Making a Difference Awards after being nominated by her patient Victoria Elliott.

Victoria and her husband Ben first met Becky when they fell pregnant in December 2020 but were left devastated when they lost their baby in May 2021 at 22 weeks pregnant.

When Victoria fell pregnant again with daughter Flora, Becky was reunited with the couple and went above and beyond to help them deal with their grief and their anxiety by emailing consultants ahead of their appointments and making special arrangements for their care.

Victoria said: “Becky is a very special lady who definitely makes a very big difference. 

“It’s hard to put into words the trauma and grief me and Ben experienced upon losing our baby; I’ve never felt pain like it.

“Whilst we felt incredibly lucky to fall pregnant again 4 months later, our anxiety, fear and worry was at times completely overwhelming.

“Our journey to meet our little Flora has been tremendously difficult - our pregnancy truly felt like it lasted a lifetime and very often, the light at the end of the tunnel felt so very far away. Until I met her, I never allowed myself to believe she could be real. Throughout all of this, Becky was the most incredible support. Nothing was ever too much trouble, no worry insignificant, no question too silly.

“I felt immensely lucky to have Becky’s work number, meaning that if I ever left a hospital appointment or scan confused or overwhelmed, I could message her and get some advice or support. She always, always replied.”

Victoria said she dealt with many medical professionals throughout their pregnancy but felt that Becky was always respectful and “emotionally in tune” to her as a person.

She said: “She understood my way of dealing with grief and my current pregnancy perfectly.

She also went out of her way to see me for last minute appointments - which were often quite long as I had so many questions; Becky never rushed me away before I was happy and reassured.

“Without Becky, my second pregnancy would have been significantly more difficult.

“I simply cannot put into words how very, very grateful I am that she was my midwife. I will never forget what she did for me and my family and consider her an integral cog in the vast and complex machine of getting my little girl here safely.”

On Friday, 24 June, Victoria and Ben welcomed Flora into the world with Victoria calling their new addition ‘the most special little girl in the world.”

James Crampton, Interim Executive Medical Director, presented Becky with her Patient Hero award and said she has demonstrated the Trust’s values of compassion, openness and excellence “in abundance.”

He said: “When I heard about the work that you did and the support you’ve given along this journey I was incredibly proud. At this Trust we have values of compassion, openness and excellence and you’ve demonstrated all three elements of those things in abundance.

“It is recognised and it’s valued so thank you.

“This award is your patient hero award because you’ve been a hero to Victoria, Ben and Flora and you’ve been a hero to your colleagues and a hero to the Trust.”

If you would like to nominate a colleague or team for a Monthly Making a Difference Award, please let us know.

There are four monthly Making a Difference Awards categories:

  • Chief Executive Award – chosen by our CEO
  • Patient Hero Award – nominated by patients
  • Team UHDB Award – you can nominate your team or another team
  • Excellent Employee Award – you can nominate your colleagues

You can send a 300 word nomination, along with the name of the team or individual, their job title and where they work, to:


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