#TeamUHDB comes together to celebrate Pride Month | Latest news

#TeamUHDB comes together to celebrate Pride Month

The Pride progress flag

Colleagues across UHDB will come together with members of the global LGBTQIA+ community to celebrate Pride Month, with this year’s event marking its fiftieth year in the UK.

Pride Month takes place every June, allowing people to come together in love and friendship and to show how far LGBTQIA+ rights have come since the Stonewall Riots which took place in June 1969, which marked the beginning of what has been a huge change within the LGBTQIA+ community and in wider society.

UHDB’s Pride Network, formerly known as the LGBTQIA+ Network, was established in 2020, and has grown in stature ever since, now playing a key role in making UHDB an inclusive place for colleagues, patients, visitors and service users across Derbyshire and Staffordshire.

Dan Walton-Ashmore, Chair of UHDB’s Pride Network, said: “The journey and strides we’ve made are groundbreaking and are being noticed on a national scale. I’d like to pay homage to the Pride Network and our leaders for embracing this journey and allowing people to be their whole selves at work. We still have some work to do and we can all try harder to be inclusive and embrace the use of pronouns as the norm within society and the Trust. Have a really happy Pride everybody” 

2022 marks 50 years since the first Pride event took place back in 1972 in Trafalgar Square, London, and it is hoped that with the easing of restrictions, many of the parades and marches can return in person following more virtual-based Pride Months during the peak of the pandemic.

Bethany Plummer, the Network’s Co-Chair, said that she is looking forward to being able to take part in events again this year: “Over the last few years, it has been a different experience celebrating Pride Month given the restrictions that were in place. I am sure that I speak on behalf of so many others when I say that I cannot wait to be able to take part in Pride events and parades again this year, and urge anyone who hasn’t experienced it yet to do so this year.”

Throughout the month we will be sharing content on behalf of the UHDB Pride Network. If you work for UHDB and would like to join the network, you can request to join here (opens in new window) >

LGBTQ+ Mental Health Resources:

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