Tribute to Christine Walker | Latest news

Tribute to Christine Walker

RIP Christine Walker

Our thoughts are with the friends and family of Christine Walker who sadly died in late December.

Christine was a nurse on ward 301 and was known to her colleagues as Chris. She worked as a cancer nurse at the Trust for over 40 years, starting her nursing career at the DRI. She had always worked in Cancer services and spent many of her years supporting patients through Chemotherapy. During her career Chris saw Chemotherapy develop as a treatment and would often remark how science and research had led to such an innovative treatment that changed lives.

Chris was always keen to mentor and support new colleagues and many of you will have benefited from her expertise over the years.

Her colleagues say Chris was a quiet character, she was a team player and extremely caring towards her patients. During her nursing career she played a part in transforming many lives as she supported patients through their cancer treatment.

In her personal life Chris had a cat that she loved dearly. Sam the cat has since been taken in by one of her colleagues.

Our thoughts are with Chris’ friends and family.


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