5 wards receive Every Day Counts bronze accreditation at RDH and QHB

Five wards have been awarded with their bronze accreditation for the Every Day Counts initiative to ensure all patients are cared for in a safe, smooth and are appropriately discharged.
The Every Day Counts framework was developed using evidence based best practice and with input from UHDB’s ward staff, patients and NHS improvement.
This initiative recognises ward teams for existing best practice, providing a framework that supports continuous improvement.
Congratulations to the following wards who have received bronze accreditation:
Queens Hospital Burton
- Ward 8
Royal Derby Hospital
- Ward 304
- Ward 308
- Ward 309
- Ward 310
Gill Ogden, Director of Nursing, congratulated all five wards on achieving Every Day Counts bronze accreditation. She said “it is a credit to the multidisciplinary teams involved that they have worked together to achieve these standards.
“They have focussed on clearly communicating and enacting patient plans, thus reducing delays and getting patients home sooner.”
More information on wards who have been awarded with their Every Day Counts accreditations will be released via Net-I.