New £23m facility at Queen's Hospital is open to patients

The new £23m Treatment Centre extension at Queen’s Hospital Burton has seen its first patients undergo surgery. The state-of-the-art building not only increases the number of people who can have surgery at the hospital, it also means that for the first time patients are only cared for in the Main Building or the Treatment Centre, with no inpatient services in smaller old buildings on the site.
The Treatment Centre extension is part of an ambitious plan to create a safe, strong and sustainable district general hospital in Burton. In addition to this £23m investment, the Outwoods area of the hospital has been granted £21.8m to create a healthcare village on site.
Gavin Boyle, Chief Executive, said: “It was a fantastic pleasure to walk around our new facility at Queen’s Hospital Burton. What we have got inside this building is really state-of-the-art facilities for orthopaedic surgery, two operating theatres, a 28-bedded ward. We’ve also got an outpatient suite, which will be occupied by orthopaedics, urology and breast services.
“One of the things this new facility will allow us to be able to do is to centralise all of our clinical services into the Main Building and into the Treatment Centre. I think our patients will see a massive improvement in this new facility and it will also help us to deliver services in a more effective and safer way, particularly for infection prevention and control.
“Clearly in a modern facility with all the space and all the convenience it has will not only deliver a better patient experience but a safer one as well. It really is a fantastic development and I’m really delighted with the work our Estates team have done, but also all our clinical teams who have been involved in the planning.”
Dr Kathy McLean, Chair, said: “I’ve had a tour of the new treatment centre extension, which has fantastic facilities. I think this is going to be absolutely wonderful for the community who use this hospital. At £23m it is the biggest investment in the hospital for some time and I think it is going to be a wonderful opportunity to provide services in a modern and exciting area. I think it is a tremendous thing for the hospital, I think everyone who uses it will be delighted with the facilities they find there.”
Duncan Bedford, Executive Managing Director for Queen’s Hospital Burton, said: “It’s heartening to see the future of Queen’s Hospital Burton go from strength to strength. We’re now seeing real tangible benefits following the merger that created the new Trust. I think Burton has got a hospital the people of the town and surrounding areas can be really proud of. This is the biggest development the hospital has seen in 15 years and we’re going to see further improvements over the coming years as old buildings make way for the new healthcare village.”
Pictured: Melissa Innocenti, Ward sister, CEO Gavin Boyle, Chair Dr Kathy McLean, Tracy Eldon (seated), Ward clerk, Sarah Raddon, Senior Sister