Shaping our maternity services event

Do you have any friends and family who have accessed our maternity and neonatal services in the last two years?
Colleagues from maternity and neonatal services are hosting a community event to listen to the experiences of women, birthing people and those who have supported someone throughout maternity and or neonatal care.
The community event is happening on Saturday 8 March, from 10am - 12pm, at the Becket Family Hub in Derby.
It is open to anyone who has accessed UHDB maternity services or neonatal services over the last two years and is an opportunity for you to share ideas, based on personal experience, about how we can continue to improve maternity and neonatal services.
The day is designed to be informal and will be an open and welcoming space, with our specialist Patient Experience team, on hand to listen to you in a confidential space if you would like to share your feedback privately.
- The event is baby and feeding friendly
- Attendees are welcome to bring children
- Refreshments will be provided, including takeaway cupcakes
- Pushchair parking is available
For more information, please contact
Find out more about the maternity event (opens a new window) >.