70 @ 70 scheme developing research for nurses and midwives at UHDB

A member of Team UHDB has recently been rewarded with a place on a prestigious scheme which aims to strengthen the research voice and influence of nurses and midwives across the NHS.
As part of the NHS’ 70th birthday in 2018, 70 successful applicants were selected and have formed a community to champion the development of nursing and midwifery research capacity and capability, which will be of benefit to patients.
Catherine Johnson, a Consultant Nurse who is part of the Renal Team at the Royal Derby Hospital, was awarded a place on the programme.
The 70 @ 70 programme is funded by the National Institute for Health Research and will last for three years.
She said: “Nurses and midwives are by far the largest group of health care professionals and have an unparalleled contribution to make to the delivery of high quality research. For UHDB to be allocated one of these places is massive.”
Catherine, who has been part of the Trust for 20 years and has a large experience in the field of research, says that her goal is “to encourage the next generation of nurses and midwives to become research active and generate new evidence.
“I’ve been fortunate to have many opportunities to experience all aspects of research in my career; this role is about creating a legacy for other nurses and midwives to have the confidence to get involved.”
“It’s going to really benefit nurses and midwives as well as our patients, as with research we can offer even better care.”
Cathy Winfield, Executive Chief Nurse at UHDB, said: “I am so proud of Catherine receiving this award as I’m committed to further developing UHDB nurses and midwives to undertake research which benefits our patients.”