We want to hear your experiences of induction of labour in our Derbyshire hospitals

Have you experienced, or declined, an induction of labour in Derbyshire in the last three years? If so, the Derbyshire Maternity and Neonatal Voices Partnership (DMNVP) we wants to hear from you!
DMNVP want to hear your voice and experience matter and will play a really important role in helping to make improvements to the induction of labour experience.
This survey has been designed by Derbyshire Maternity and Neonatal Voices, along with the maternity teams at Chesterfield Royal Hospital NHS FT & Royal Primary Care and UHDB. Together we want to better understand what is working well, what isn’t and what improvements can be made!
A survey is now available and you can shares your views here (opens in new window) >
For any questions please don’t hesitate to send us a DM or contact us at ddicb.derbyshirematernityvoices@nhs.net
Staffordshire & Stoke-On-Trent Maternity and Neonatal Voices Partnership represent service users who live, and their GP are registered, within the Staffordshire & Stoke-On-Trent area, they can be reached at: sasot.mvp@nhs.net
If filling in the survey may be difficult for you, perhaps English is not your first language or if you have a disability, please don’t hesitate to contact: ddicb.derbyshirematernityvoices@nhs.net. You can send your feedback on your induction of labour in an email, or contact DMNVP to organise a one-to-one online call. DMNVP can also offer one-to-one calls in Urdu, Punjab, Hindi, French and Italian.