Burton Albion teams up with NHS to urge Black, Asian and Ethnic Minority people to prevent or delay Type 2 diabetes

Burton Albion FC has teamed up with the NHS to get behind a special campaign urging black, asian and ethnic minority people to prevent or delay the onset of Type 2 diabetes.
The call out comes as we are reminded that black, asian and ethnic minority people are three times more likely to develop Type 2 diabetes than white people and that if left untreated, it can lead to blindness, kidney failure, loss of a limb and it also increases the risk of heart attack or stroke.
People living with diabetes face a significantly higher risk of dying with Covid-19 with nearly a third of deaths in the Staffordshire locality associated with the condition, according to local NHS statistics. However, better management of the condition can help improve control and lead to better outcomes.
The campaign is asking black, asian and ethnic minority people to know their risk of developing Type 2 diabetes through using the ‘Know Your Risk’ tool hosted by Diabetes UK. Anyone at moderate or high risk of developing the condition may be eligible to join their local Healthier You NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme, a joint initiative from NHS England and NHS Improvement, Public Health England and Diabetes UK. The programme supports people to make positive changes to their diet, weight and the amount of physical activity they do – to significantly reduce the risk of developing this disease.
People can find out if they are eligible to join their local programme by completing the Diabetes UK risk tool at riskscore.diabetes.org.uk. Anyone who is identified as at moderate to high risk of Type 2 diabetes using the Diabetes UK risk tool, can refer themselves to a local service for support remotely or online, or should visit their local GP for more information on their risk of developing type 2 diabetes
Dr Shammy Noor, GP and Chair of South East Staffordshire and Seisdon Peninsula Clinical Commissioning Group, said:
“There are several risk factors for type 2 diabetes, some of which, such as your age or your family history that can’t be changed. However, it’s really important for the community to take heed that there are other risk factors such as your weight which are very much in your control – indeed, the risk of type 2 diabetes can be reduced by getting support to lose weight, getting more physically active and eating healthy food. I urge everyone from the community to take a pragmatic and practical approach to this very serious health condition to reduce your risk.”
Burton Albion’s longest-serving player Lucas Akins said:
“As a professional footballer I know the importance of looking after your body and eating healthily.
“Not everyone can take part in elite sport, but everyone can do a little more exercise, change their diet and opt for a healthier lifestyle and the earlier in life we all do it the better. This campaign is so important in ensuring people are looking after themselves and their bodies.
“Burton Albion Community Trust has health and well-being programmes that can give everyone a helping hand and I know from first hand involvement what a difference BACT makes.”
The NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme has continued through the pandemic via video calls and is also available digitally using websites and apps.
Find out the risks involved with diabetes (opens in new window) >