OMFS Doctor awarded with BAOMS Award for ‘go paperless’ initiative

OMFS specialty doctor, Dr Jothi Srinivasan, has been awarded with the 2020 Associate Fellows Award by the British Association of Oral and Maxillofacial at their annual scientific meeting in October 2021.
Dr Jothi Srinivasan works as part of the Oral and maxillofacial surgery team at the Royal Derby Hospital, and is also the Clinical Lead for local safety standards for invasive procedures at the Trust.
The submission was based on her ‘Assessment of patient satisfaction using a Digital consent package for wisdom tooth procedures’, which she undertook as part of the HEEM Fellowship in Patient Safety and Quality Improvement.
Jothi said: “The award should also be seen as recognition of the support I received from my consultant colleague, Mr Keith Jones, and all the expert groups in the University Hospital of Derby and Burton (UHDB) Trust that I collaborated with. I would also like to thank Dr James Crampton and Dr Iain Lennon for providing me with tremendous support throughout the project.
I am grateful for the opportunity, and delighted to be part of, the Trust’s initiative to ‘go paperless’ and to establish the key goal of introducing digital consent across the whole organisation.
Clinical Director for Surgery and OMFS Consultant Mr Keith Jones, said: “Jothi is at the forefront of innovation in the RDH when it comes to the application of digital technology in routine but essential processes within Surgery. This is just one example and there is a lot more to follow, very well done.”
Medical Director of Quality and Safety, Dr James Crampton, also congratulated Jothi on her success. He said: “I congratulate Jothi on her success. This work is an excellent example of how we can use digital technology to advance patient care at UHDB.
“I look forward to working with Jothi on expanding this initiative to other specialities across the Trust.”
Jothi is now working on a follow up project, funded by Derby & Burton Hospitals Charity, on a further research project on consent. This is being undertaken with the support of UHDB Research and Development team in collaboration with Professor Thomas Dietrich at the University of Birmingham.
“I wrote the research project proposal at the height of the pandemic. Although, this was a difficult time for everyone, I am looking forward to making this project a success for the benefit of our patients and the Trust as a whole.”