Latest news from Digital Services

William Monaghan will become UHDB's Chief Digital Information Officer

UHDB to welcome new Chief Digital Information Officer

University Hospitals of Derby and Burton has appointed its first Chief Digital Information Officer, which will support the further integration of the Trust’s clinical digital systems.

Making a Digital Difference Award

Jordane and Megan recognised for Making a Digital Difference to staff at UHDB

A new digital Facilities Management App has benefited UHDB FM staff across Derbyshire and Staffordshire by making important information relating to their work available to them at their fingertips.

The app, which launched at the end of 2021, for all facilities and estates staff, across all five sites, including our partners in ISS, Skanska, STERIS and Synergy.

Pharmacy team

New digitised process improving safety and speed of prescribing and dispensing medications at UHDB

A new digitised process for prescribing and dispensing medications at UHDB is benefiting patients and staff-alike by making it easier than ever for people to receive the right medicines for them.

UHDB is the first Trust in the country to have introduced a ‘closed loop medication supply’ process that better enables clinicians to electronically prescribe patients with the drugs that they need via our Pharmacy department.

Ross and Phil

Team UHDB Award: Audio Visual Team

The amazing Audio Visual (AV) Team have been presented with July’s Team UHDB Monthly Making a Difference Award for supporting colleagues to take their educational work onto a digital platform during the pandemic.


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