Latest news from Trauma and Orthopaedics

Excellent employee award - Sarah Balmforth (1)

‘Outstanding and caring leader’ Sarah recognised with Excellent Employee Award

“Devoted” Clinical Nurse Specialist Sarah Balmforth entered the room to a huge round of applause from colleagues, as she was presented with our Monthly Excellent Employee Award for the instrumental role she has played in growing and leading the team at the Pulvertaft Hand Unit at Royal Derby Hospital.

Vaccinator Abbie Marston

Meet UHDB super vaccinator Abbie Marston

For most of the year Abbie Marston works as a registered nurse but since September she has been centred at Royal Derby Hospital’s vaccination hub, offering covid boosters and flu vaccinations to keep UHDB colleagues safe. 

Abbie is just one of UHDB’s super vaccinators, lending her time to the seasonal vaccinations programme which aims to protect our staff with the covid booster and flu vaccinations.

Meet The Team: Surgical Day Case Unit, Treatment Centre, QHB

We are delighted to introduce our new Meet The Team series, where we will be speaking with colleagues across our five sites to get to know them a little better, and share what they do across our organisation. We start with the Surgical Day Case Unit in the Treatment Centre at Queen’s Hospital Burton.

Jane has praised the incredible care at the Treatment Centre

Patient praises ‘incredible care’ at Treatment Centre

A Derby patient who was offered a procedure at Burton’s Treatment Centre has thanked staff for their ‘fantastic care’ at the state-of-the-art facility, which is helping to ease pressures on waiting lists for elective recovery.

The Treatment Centre at Queen’s Hospital Burton recently celebrated its two-year anniversary providing elective care for those who need orthopaedic treatment within our community.

Secretary of State for Health Steve Barclay visits Treatment Centre at Queen's Hospital Burton

University Hospitals of Derby and Burton have welcomed the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, Steve Barclay MP, and Burton and Uttoxeter MP, Kate Griffiths, to visit the Treatment Centre at Queen’s Hospital Burton today.

The Secretary of State spoke to UHDB staff and patients about the work to reduce waiting times for planned procedures. He visited part of the Treatment Centre that opened in 2020, with two orthopaedic theatres, X-Ray and Ultrasound rooms and a 28 bed ward.

Staff at the Treatment Centre are celebrating a successful two years

Success at Treatment Centre as staff help 2,000 patients in two years

Staff at Queen’s Hospital Burton’s Treatment Centre have celebrated two successful years treating patients in the community for elective procedures.

The state-of-the-art Treatment Centre has seen more than 2,000 patients enter its doors for hip, knee or shoulder replacements and other orthopaedic operations since it opened on 15 June 2020.

Sarah Moss with Magnus Harrison

Exceptional Leader, Sarah, praised by colleague for support she offered during difficult time

The fantastic lengths a Royal Derby Hospital colleague went to in order to help and support a colleague have been recognised by our Interim Chief Executive, Dr Magnus Harrison, with his first ever Chief Executive Award.

Sarah Moss, Deputy General Manager in Trauma and Orthopaedics at Royal Derby Hospital, went above and beyond to support a colleague who was off sick and going through a difficult time after one of their parents passed away.

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