75-year-old Janet's joy as she's discharged after beating COVID-19 | Latest news

75-year-old Janet's joy as she's discharged after beating COVID-19

Janet being discharged

A 75-year-old patient who spent six weeks in hospital fighting Coronavirus has today been discharged from Royal Derby Hospital.

Janet Squires, from Egginton in Derbyshire, was admitted on 25 March after suffering COVID-19 symptoms for seven days. She was then taken to Intensive Care, where she spent 27 days, most of which in an induced coma.

Janet’s condition improved, and she was then transferred to Ward 402, one of our Respiratory wards, where she spent a further two weeks.

But today (Wednesday 6 May 2020), Janet was discharged home to continue her recovery after spending a total of 42 days at Royal Derby Hospital.

As she was leaving the hospital, Janet praised the staff that have taken care of her in recent weeks and said: “Oh to be free! It feels wonderful to be going home. I can’t fault the staff at all, they’ve been wonderful and lovely. There’s nothing they wouldn’t do for me.

“I’d just like to say thank you to them all really. There are no words I can say really.”

Emma Roberts, Sister on Ward 402, said: “Seeing Janet come back from Intensive Care (ICU) and go on to be discharged is amazing, as it’s difficult to tell how well patients will recover when they come back from ICU.

“It can be really hard for patients who come out of comas as you often have to re-learn how to do things such as walking and using mobile phones. To see the progress Janet made with the support of the wider team is incredible so it’s so nice to see her come out of the other side.”

Lizzie Sidders, Senior Sister in the Discharge Assessment Unit, said: “It’s really heart-warming when you see patients such as Janet, who have had an extended stay in hospital and have recovered from such a horrible virus, returning home to their families.

“With the newly transformed and relocated Discharge Assessment Unit at the Royal Derby Hospital, we aim to get patients to the correct destinations as quickly and safely as possible.”

Janet will now continue her recovery at home and is looking forward to a few home comforts: “I’m really looking forward to having some egg and bacon! I might even do a bit of sunbathing if it’s warm enough.”

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