A thank you to the staff working in our Deceased Patient Property Release Service | Latest news

A thank you to the staff working in our Deceased Patient Property Release Service

Deceased patient property release service

The Deceased Patients’ Property Release Service was reintroduced at the Royal Derby Hospital and Queen’s Hospital Burton, on Monday 18 January 2021 to support wards under considerable pressure during the third wave of Covid-19 and prevent the need for families to go to ward areas to collect the belongings of their loved ones.

On both sites, a team of redeployed staff came together to collect sealed property bags from wards and marrying them with any valuables from the Cashiers offices. Once property has been safely collected and stored, the team contact next of kin to arrange an appointment to collect their loved ones’ belongings.

Deceased Patient Property Release ServiceAppointments at QHB are offered at Outwoods House and at RDH, based in the Patient Advice & Liaison Service (PALS) at the Main Entrance and the service has been well received from families who have lost a loved one. 

Over 300 appointments have taken place so far and the service will continue up until Thur 25 March for final appointments. The property team’s last collections of property from wards will occur on Friday 19 March.

Sarah Todd, Patient Experience Manager, said: “I have been humbled and immensely proud of the willingness to help and compassion shown by every individual involved in this service. Many involved wouldn’t normally deal with such distressing situations but all have handled it sensitively and with care.

“It has been a privilege to be involved in something so small, but so important to the families of those sadly lost in recent months. It has also been important for us to feel we have done something to support staff on the wards during this very difficult time. Thank you to all who have supported us.”

Maura Teager, a retired nurse who came back to volunteer with the service said: “It is a privilege to be involved in supporting the team who have introduced a service that is proving to be so valued and appreciated by family members.

“It provides such a valuable opportunity, which could so easily be missed, for these family members to share their experiences of losing a loved one during these very difficult times.

Deceased Patient Property Release Service

“The team are not only supportive of the families but also of each other and provide a compassionate and sensitive service that we should be very proud of.”

Cathy Winfield, Executive Chief Nurse and Duncan Bedford, Executive Managing Director visited the teams at QHB and RDH to recognise everyone’s contributions and say thank you to those involved.

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