A tribute to Ann Moran, Secretary at Royal Derby Hospital | Latest news

A tribute to Ann Moran, Secretary at Royal Derby Hospital

Ann Moran RIP

It is with great sadness that we announce the death of Ann Moran, a Secretary within Specialist Medicine at UHDB.

Ann joined the Trust in 2004 and quickly became a well-loved and respected colleague thanks to her caring nature. Ann retired in April 2017 but true to her selfless nature, returned to work 14 months later to re-join the Medicine Divisional Management administration Team at Royal Derby Hospital to support her colleagues who were experiencing staff shortages.

Gavin Boyle, Chief Executive said: “Ann was an exceptional lady who always put others first. Due to her bubbly nature she was well connected and was known as ‘a font of all knowledge’, helping anyone who needed her. She was highly skilled and extremely valued by her colleagues who will miss her dearly.

“Our heartfelt condolences go to Ann’s family, friends and colleagues during this difficult time.” 

In Ann's memory, her son Stephen has chosen to raise money for Ward 2 at Florence Nightingale Community Hospital.

He said: "Mums parting wish was to support the unit who cared for her tremendously in her final days, hours and minutes, Ward 2 at the Florence Nightingale Community Hospital, London Road, Derby and the wonderful Brassington St James Church which continues to provide a great service to the community of Brassington, Home, which Mum loved so, so much."

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