A tribute to Dr David Anderson | Latest news

A tribute to Dr David Anderson

David Anderson

It is with great sadness we share the news of the death of Dr David Anderson, former CEO and Medical Director at Queen’s Hospital Burton, in mid-June.

David studied medicine at St Thomas’ in London and qualified in 1963 before gaining his first post as House Officer at Queen’s Hospital Burton, where he spent large parts of his career. After returning to St Thomas’ for three years, David came back to Burton in July 1970 and remained until August 2013, working as a Consultant Anaesthetist. It was during this time that he established Burton’s first Intensive Care Unit, which he ran for almost 20 years. David was also instrumental in establishing Burton’s flying squad, the Day Treatment Unit and used his prominence in the community to raise vital funding for anaesthesia. David also enjoyed success implementing a new clinical IT system, Meditech, in 1990 after visiting the USA and South Africa to discover the best solution for Burton.

David became Burton Hospitals Foundation Trust’s first Medical Director and went on to become the Chief Executive for six years until he retired, but he re-skilled as an Anaesthetist once more and returned as a Clinical Advisor in the upgrade of Meditech until October 2019, when he finally retired.

Dr Magnus Harrison, Executive Medical Director, said: “Those that knew David will remember him as a very enthusiastic and supportive colleague and excellent teacher, who was at the forefront of his work and recognised by colleagues nationwide. David always had time for all of his colleagues and I am sure there will be many of our staff that have lost not only a colleague, but a respected leader and a dear friend. Our thoughts are with David’s friends and family at this time.”

Visit the Dr David Anderson tribute and fundraising website (opens in new window) >

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