"A unique opportunity" - Val discusses sense of fulfilment her role as public Governor brings

One of University Hospitals of Derby and Burton's (UHDB) public Governors has spoken about the pride and sense of fulfilment being part of our Council of Governors brings.
Val Haylett is one of UHDB's public Governors for the Derby City constituency and has been in post since 2018, following a career which spanned three decades serving the NHS in Derbyshire.
However, it was when Val experienced the NHS as a patient rather than as a colleague that she knew she wanted to do something more:
"Over a period of around 18 months, I became a patient and was treated in a wide range of areas at Royal Derby Hospital; in A&E, on the wards and in theatre after going through surgery. It was eye-opening to get a patient's perspective on the NHS after working for the organisation for so long and it really made me think about both sides of the coin.
"From here, I knew I wanted to use these experiences to represent the diverse communities we serve at UHDB."
Ever since making her decision to stand for election as a Governor in order to join the Trust's Council of Governors, Val has enjoyed every moment and says she takes a sense of "real satisfaction" and takes pride in helping to shape healthcare services for her friends, family and peers.
She added: "It gives you a unique opportunity to represent people in your community and to meet those involved in the Trust, from staff to patients and the senior leadership and executive teams. Knowing that, through your actions, you've been able to help someone, is a lovely feeling."
We are currently seeking nominations for nine vacant positions to join our Council of Governors as a Public Governor. Find out more about our Public Governor nomination process (closing date: Thursday 18 April 2024) >
Val added: "Not everyone has the chance to contribute to the NHS like I have done in my career, and this is a really good way to be able to do that - as you don't need any NHS experience to join as a Governor. We want to hear views from people from all backgrounds, so this could be the perfect opportunity for you to get involved in healthcare and benefit our communities.
"Even if you have previously worked for the NHS, there's still so much to learn in this role which is really exciting."
As well as giving you access to help shape healthcare in your area, the role allows you to attend Council of Governor meetings every second month, as well as visiting our hospital sites to meet colleagues and patients as part of our ‘Meet a Governor events’, all of which help to make the role a vibrant one.
Val explained: "This role gives you so much when you put your all into it. There's a real sense of community at UHDB and that's really nice to be a part of.
"Getting to go 'behind the scenes' and taking part in sessions like Governor engagement visits, where we get to meet patients and staff, and hear how the Trust benefits them and to make their voices heard is so rewarding.
"UHDB is a big organisation that provides care to so many, so to get involved in that and find out more about the extent of the Trust's impact locally is amazing."
If you would like to find out more about the role and speak to our Council of Governors, please email: uhdb.membership@nhs.net.