Beautiful bench honouring the commitment of our #UHDBheroes is unveiled at RDH | Latest news

Beautiful bench honouring the commitment of our #UHDBheroes is unveiled at RDH

CEO pictured for blog

A beautiful bench honouring the tireless efforts and fantastic commitment of our colleagues throughout the Covid-19 outbreak has been unveiled.

The handcrafted bench features 3D silhouettes of different NHS colleagues and can now be found at the front of Royal Derby Hospital’s main entrance as a permanent reminder of the public’s deep felt appreciation for our UHDB heroes.

Residents of War Memorial Village Derby have raised around £3,000, working in partnership with Derby City Council, to provide the ceremonial bench, which features a truly touching tribute to all of our staff on a plaque.

It reads: “This bench honours all those within the healthcare profession for their selfless commitment and diligence to protect and improve the health and well-being of the people of Derby. You represent the very best of our country.”

Gavin Boyle, Chief Executive, unveiled the new bench, and said: “The goodwill that has been shown to our hospitals and our people over the last few months has been truly heart-warming. I’d like to thank War Memorial Village Derby for this lovely gesture, which will stand as a constant reminder to our colleagues of the public’s appreciation for their courage and dedication over this difficult time.” 

Harvey Jennings, Chairman of the War Memorial Village Derby, said: “We wanted to create a lasting legacy that recognised the efforts of these wonderful professionals, especially after the ‘Thursday clap’ had ended. I’m delighted by the response of our residents who were so supportive of the idea and raised almost £3,000 to fund the project themselves.”

Chris Kennedy, from company Roll and Scroll, designed the handcrafted bench for the Trust, while a replica has also been installed within Memorial Square in Chellaston, to provide a focal point for the public to remember the NHS’ priceless work for the communities we serve.

Chris said: “It was just something that I came up with, thinking of the NHS staff that are putting their lives at risk doing what they are doing. I was having sleepless nights thinking what can we do and this is what we came up with out to be blue, to say thank you.”

Cllr Roy Webb, Cabinet Member for Adults Health and Housing, Derby City Council, added: “These benches are a wonderful mark of recognition for the commitment and dedication of all of those on the front line in our hospitals and community working to save lives.”

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