'Being 'different' is not easy': UHDB Chair shares personal reflections for Pride Month | Latest news

'Being 'different' is not easy': UHDB Chair shares personal reflections for Pride Month

UHDB Chair, Dr Kathy McLean

UHDB Chair, Dr Kathy McLean, has shared her personal experiences as we continue to commemorate Pride Month throughout June at UHDB.

Pride Month takes place every June, allowing people to come together in love and friendship and to show how far LGBTQIA+ rights have come since the Stonewall Riots which took place in June 1969, which marked the beginning of what has been a huge change within the LGBTQIA+ community and in wider society.

"Being ‘different’ is not easy," said Dr McLean, who has spent almost 40 years working for the NHS across a number of roles and organisations.

Reflecting on how attitudes and experiences have changed during that time, Dr McLean said: "I can look back at my personal experiences with a little objectivity. I trained in medicine in the late 70s and early 80s and whilst there was a thriving gay community at university, which I was too nervous to join, the world of hospitals was not so welcoming.

"As a junior doctor in the 80s, there was a widely held belief that if you were anything other than straight, your career would be damaged. Colleagues went to extraordinary lengths to hide their true selves."

Dr McLean worked across the northwest, Scotland and Yorkshire and saw friends around her getting married and having children and says she felt "compelled to suppress my true self and follow the majority".

She continued: "I got married and had children, both of whom I love dearly and don’t regret for one second.

"However, during the later 90s and into the 21st century things slowly started to change. Once I became a consultant, I felt more empowered and slightly less nervous.

"No longer was there the perceived threat to my career. Junior clinical colleagues were still anxious, but as it became known - I discovered that even when I thought people were unaware, they did know! - that I was in a relationship with another woman, I became a ‘safe’ source of advice and refuge and I hope I helped a few colleagues."

As attitudes have continued to change over the years, Dr McLean says she's "incredibly proud" that UHDB is active in its support the LGBTQIA+ community:

"Pride is amazing. I don’t get very involved myself, my inhibited past remains with me, but I totally support everyone else and who knows, you may be able to help me to be more demonstrative one day!"

How you can get involved with the UHDB Pride Network

Throughout the month we will be sharing content on behalf of the UHDB Pride Network. If you would like to find out more about our Pride Network and join the mailing list to receive events and meeting updates, please email:  uhdb.lgbtqia@nhs.net

If you work for UHDB and would like to join the Pride Network's Facebook page, you can request to join here (opens in new window) >

You can also follow our Pride Network on Twitter here (opens in new window) >

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