Burton Albion pay Christmas visit to Queen's Hospital Burton | Latest news

Burton Albion pay Christmas visit to Queen's Hospital Burton

Players and staff from Burton Albion

Players and staff from Burton Albion spread the Christmas cheer at Queen’s Hospital Burton last week during their annual festive visit.

Manager Nigel Clough was joined by club captain Jake Buxton, John Brayford, Ben Fox and Lucas Akins among others as the squad visited staff and patients in Chemotherapy where a Christmas party was taking place, the Children’s and Neonatal Units, Ward 19 and Ward 20.

The players came bearing gifts, as well as posing for pictures, signing autographs and speaking to our patients, their friends and family.

There was also a personal visit from Nigel Clough and Jake Buxton for David Munday, a patient on Ward 6, who has been a season ticket holder at Burton’s Pirelli Stadium for more than 10 years.

Mr Munday had a replacement aortic valve fitted in his heart in November, and was readmitted on earlier this month.

Mr Munday said: “It was great to see them, they’re both smashing people and I’m really grateful for their time. I've not been able to go to any games recently, so this was a wonderful surprise.

"They came in to see my just moments after my doctor told me I was going to be discharged home in time for Christmas, so it was a wonderful five minutes!”

Sarah Roberts, Senior Sister on the Neonatal Unit at Queen's Hospital, said: “It was absolutely fantastic to be involved; it felt very festive and it gave staff and friends and family of our patients a real lift. The players were really engaged in the work that we do here and they found it useful to find out more about the unit.

“Thank you to everyone from Burton Albion who gave their time to visit us and for all of the gifts that were donated to our patients and staff.”

Nigel Clough, Burton Albion manager, said: “Our annual Christmas visit to the hospital is something we always look forward to. It’s a great tradition here at Burton Albion.

“It’s always a pleasure to meet the patients and to thank the incredible staff who do a wonderful job, not just at Christmas but all year round. They always make us very welcome and we would like to wish everyone at Queen’s Hospital a happy Christmas.”

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