Canoer raises funds for UHDB | Latest news

Canoer raises funds for UHDB

A novice canoer has raised over £2000 after completing an extreme challenge to fundraise for the department who cared for his mum during cancer treatment.

Chris Carpenter wanted to challenge himself to raise money for the Chemotherapy Unit at Queen’s Hospital so, despite having no experience, decided to paddle from Fort William to Inverness carrying a tent and survival equipment to camp along the way.

Chris said: “When my mum was receiving treatment I felt helpless. Although I was able to support her I wanted to do something to say thank you to the brilliant team who helped her.”

Chris had only been in a canoe twice before his challenge, for familiarisation training, and advice on what to do if the boat capsized.

He added: “It was tough, at one point we canoed through some choppy water and then spotted a warning sign which said waves were up to three meters high.”

Chris also donated £500 to look good feel better, the cancer support charity who provide skincare and makeup classes for women undergoing cancer treatment.

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