We're supporting Carers Rights Day 2020 | Latest news

We're supporting Carers Rights Day 2020

We're supporting Carers Rights Day 2020, which takes place on Thursday 26 November 2020.

The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted every aspect of caring, affecting carers’ access to support and services, and their physical and mental health.

Many are caring for the first time, while those who’ve been caring for a while are facing greater challenges and pressures than ever before. It’s never been more important for carers to be informed and know their rights.

Each year, Carers Rights Day helps to;

Local events

There are a variety of events happening across Derbyshire and Derby to mark Carers Rights Day 2020. The events provide an opportunity for unpaid / family carers to get support and information to help them during the pandemic and beyond.

Get support

It’s never been more important for carers to access support if they need it. The Carer support services in Derby and Derbyshire are there to offer support, so please pick up the phone if you need help.

  • If you care for someone living in Derbyshire contact Derbyshire Carers Association. Telephone: 01773 833833
  • If you care for someone living in Derby City contact the Universal Services for Carers Services. Telephone: 01332 228777

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